Virtual Reality Semiconductor Fabrication Training Facility

Lead Participant: SEMIWISE LIMITED


Semiwise, led by their CEO Prof. Asen Asenov, together with the National Microelectronics Institute (NMI) and Pragmatic Semiconductors are proposing an innovative training facility which will propel the UK to the forefront of semiconductor education. The facility will be a virtual reality semiconductor fab, equipped with the latest key equipment in semiconductor manufacture. The fab will be like a computer game for semiconductor professionals. Each piece of equipment will be paired with extensive training materials which have been compiled and constructed by Prof. Asenov throughout his long and successful career as an academic at the University of Glasgow.

The VR fab will enable its users to experience working in a fab, a privilege reserved only for a few people in the world, and give them vital knowledge in semiconductor manufacturing and process operation. The VR fab will be able to simulate actual manufacture through the use of world-leading process simulation tools and open up semiconductor manufacturing knowledge to the UK and its institutions. This method of education is similar to the way pilots are prepared and trained to fly expensive jets. Due to the large cost of training in a physical fab, this virtual reality model will act as a simulator for future semiconductor experts.

In order to reduce the high cost of building an equipment simulator we will use well-established process and device TCAD simulation tools, which can fully simulate the operation of individual pieces of equipment and the complete manufacturing process. To this end will integrate the world-leading Synopsys TCAD into the VR environment to allow users as close to reality experience as possible.

This facility will serve as a training ground for all of the UK and help boost the UK's position in the semiconductor world. Additionally, such an intuitive training facility can help spark interest in the semiconductor field and inspire future generations of engineers and scientists to pursue a career in semiconductors.

Our partners NMI and Pragmatic as well as the members of the Industry Advisory Board will ensure that the developments meet the industry standards and expectations. Therefore, the VR fab will provide a competitive advantage to UK semiconductor manufacturers. This will enable the industry to fill the widening skills gap in the workforce and satisfy its recruitment needs in the future.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SEMIWISE LIMITED £438,380 £ 306,866


TECHWORKSHUB LTD. £21,326 £ 21,326


10 25 50