Spark their imagination; power their future



CSA Catapult and UKESF will provide the opportunity for children at state-sector secondary schools in Wales to develop their interest in Electronics and Engineering.

This is a bespoke, programme which has been created from a selection of UKESF's well-established and successful schools' projects and engagement activities, adapted for Wales. It will be delivered with the support of CS Connected. The aim of the programme is to engage more young Welsh people into Electronics and demystify the science of Semiconductors. This is a high-impact programme, built on solid foundations and designed specifically for Wales directly targeting the barriers learners face around social mobility and funding. It will deliver sustained engagement with pupils, teachers and schools to create an effective pipeline to encourage and support young Welsh people into Electronics and semiconductors. It will provide financial and practical support to ensure more young Welsh people pursue university study in Electronics and Engineering. In addition to the individual participants, it will also be investing in, and supporting, teachers at state secondary schools throughout Wales and providing their schools with re-usable classroom resources. This will allow teachers to deliver the secondary curriculum in a more engaging and interesting way and so will improve the learning experience for pupils.

**Summary of Deliverables :**

* "What are Semiconductors?" events in 2024\.
* Industry familiarisation sessions and Career Forum events.

* Classroom resources and Electronics projects and teacher training for all participating schools.
* Access to online learning course for all participants.
* Comprehensive package of support (including bursaries).

**Specific Impacts include:**

* Excite pupils about the opportunities a career in Electronics and Technology can offer, through the experience of an event at a university.
* The programme will raise general awareness among school pupils (and their families) and teachers of the contribution made by Electronics and Technology in Wales.
* The course would enable students from state-sector schools from across Wales, who are typically underrepresented in Higher Education, to experience university for a day.
* State schools will receive re-useable sets of resources to support Computing and Physics classes.
* Teachers from each school will receive virtual CPD training to support the use of the new classroom resources in their lessons.

* Through their training, these teachers will increase their knowledge and understanding of Electronics. They will be able to better contextualise their subjects and raise awareness about engineering careers at their schools.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



TECHWORKSHUB LTD. £136,446 £ 95,430


10 25 50