RestoreDNA: Development of scalable eDNA-based solutions for biodiversity regulators and nature-related disclosure

Lead Participant: NATURE METRICS LTD


Businesses are more dependent on nature than previously thought, with ~$44trillion$ of economic value generation moderately or highly dependent on nature\[World Economic Forum,2020\]. \>50% of bank activity in emerging markets directly depends on nature\[Calice,et. al.(2023)\]. Biodiversity loss is also recognised by the world's central banks as a source of systemic risk. Consequently, regulators increasingly expect industries to manage nature-related impacts and risks. \>190 countries, including the UK and Switzerland, have committed to the goals and targets under the Global Biodiversity Framework\[GBF\]. Globally, GBF and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures\[TNFD\] are bringing reporting and disclosure of business dependencies on nature and impacts to the forefront. However, **scalable provision of reliable biodiversity data to fulfil the requirements for nature disclosure are still lacking.**

Current methods for measuring biodiversity are often simplistic, focusing on a single component of biodiversity, not-scalable, relying on large scale manual data collection and costly. Digital biodiversity indicators are continuously developed to measure and monitor pressures or threats, but these remain not ground-truthed. In the UK, several initiatives are working towards the development of simple decision-ready metrics (e.g., JNCC, Defra, CEH), but these are not available to industry at the scales required and remain strongly reliant on field data. Consequently, **commercial instruments to provide biodiversity data and monitoring across industries, at reportable spatial and temporal scales**, and able to adapt to upcoming frameworks for nature disclosure and underpin nature-positive impacts **are yet inexistent.**

NatureMetrics\[UK-SME\] and Restor\[Swiss-Start-up\] in close collaboration with ETH Zurich\[Swiss-RO\] and Rothamsted-Research\[UK-RO\] join forces to go beyond ground-truthing. Combining our synergic technologies, we will develop and commercialise robust and scalable methods and metrics applicable at managerial time-scales.

**NatureMetrics\[NM\]** is a world-leading innovator on biodiversity performance monitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA) and Earth Observation. T**he Crowther Lab\[ETH-Z\]** have created SEED, a platform for the conservation and restoration of nature, **Restor,** and co-founded the Global Forest and Soil Biodiversity Initiatives**. Rothamsted Research\[RR\]** works to achieve economically and environmentally sustainable farming practices.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NATURE METRICS LTD £301,450 £ 180,870


ROTHAMSTED RESEARCH £109,769 £ 109,769


10 25 50