Property and energy data fusion



Vast quantities of data have been collected on individual household characteristics such as occupancy, property types, values, heating methods, tenure etc. With open source initiatives such as Ordnance Survey, compulsory registration with the Land Registry and the 2011 census, this has undergone a further step change. Fusing all these disperate data sources with internal company data and exploiting through innovative smart analytics should provide insights for new strategies to help businesses extract significant value. This project seeks to utilise a domestic energy supplier’s customer energy-use and behaviour data to identify household energy efficiency levels and those that can improve their efficiency, allowing those who will most benefit from energy services to be targeted. This allows the development and enhanced delivery of services such as (i) advice on efficient energy use (ii) structural insulation improvements (loft, cavity wall, etc.) and (iii) microgeneration installation (heat pump, solar panels, etc.) enabling further growth in green technology. The plan is initially to focus on a discrete geographical area using energy sector data as a proof of concept with a view to expanding across the UK and into other sectors.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

COUNTINGLAB LIMITED £78,093 £ 46,855


SSE PLC £70,051 £ 27,217




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