Staffordshire net zero skills for growth


There are myriad non-technical barriers to the net zero transition occurring at the scale and pace required. The lack of skills, capabilities and capacity across all sectors and areas of society have been identified as a key barrier, as well as the lack of a skilled supply chain, to deliver the transformation necessary. Clarity of demand for net zero services and products and the related skills necessary to deliver them is necessary to motivate the supply chain to address skills gaps and position themselves to make the most of the market opportunities of the net zero transition.

Addressing integrated skills and supply chain barriers at a County-scale enables existing County-wide skill-focused activity and skills-based multi-sector partnerships to springboard a detailed focus on the net zero supply chain and skills required for the area. A County-wide skills and supply chain focus also has the potential to produce multiple co-benefits including job creation, strengthening of the local economy, and addressing skills drains from the County.

This project focuses on developing the underpinning knowledge to address the lack of current skills, capabilities and capacity and local supply chain that undermine the ability of the County of Staffordshire to decarbonise at the rate required. This project will develop a detailed net zero supply chain road map to 2050, demonstrating the supply chain needs for Staffordshire and create an associated net zero skills assessment and audit of existing net zero skills provision in the County, as well as a gap analysis of skills provision needed to underpin the demand for net zero services and products. In response to a clear need from stakeholders, this project will start by articulating a clear 'net zero' skills taxonomy for the County, drawing on other national development, to help stakeholders understand at a granular scale, the range of skills required for the net zero transition and to underpin the methodology of the skills assessment and audit. This project will also develop a publicly accessible and searchable Staffordshire-based supplier database. An analysis of leverage points to catalyse long-term momentum of net zero supply chain and skills development will be explored to ensure that Staffordshire is able to achieve the requirements of the net zero transition at the scale and pace required, and to ensure that it maximises, from early positioning of a skilled supply chain, the co-economic benefits of the net zero transition.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



KEELE UNIVERSITY £50,367 £ 50,367


10 25 50