Late stage development & clinical evaluation of FibroFix Cartilage: A Mechanically Functional, Tissue Regenerative, Knee Cartilage Repair Implant

Lead Participant: ORTHOX LIMITED


This project will develop an implant to reduce pain and restore mobility to patients suffering from injuries to the cartilage in their knees. The implant is made from a novel material called FibroFix™ which is formed from a protein extracted from silk fibres called fibroin. The properties of fibroin give FibroFix™ devices unique advantages, allowing them to be very strong, smooth and resilient like cartilage itself, while also capable of regenerating new cartilage tissue. This will allow the FibroFix™ implant to be used to treat large injuries to the articular cartilage in the knee where the painful condition osteoarthritis may already be present. The project will finalise development of this implant and complete testing in animal and laboratory trials, demonstrating that it is both safe and effective. Once this has been achieved, the project will investigate the implant’s performance in a clinical trial.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ORTHOX LIMITED £2,942,368 £ 1,490,604




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