Precision irrigation of the mushroom crop using electronic moisture sensors

Lead Participant: G'S FRESH LIMITED


Application of correct amounts of water to the mushroom crop at suitable intervals is essential in obtaining high yields and quality, and avoiding bacterial blotch disease. Although automated irrigation systems can apply known volumes of water to the surface ‘casing’ layer, the decision to apply water is subjective, depending on visual observation of the crop and ‘feel’ of the casing, while the moisture status of the underlying compost remains unknown. This three year project will be based at an industry leading mushroom production unit, G’s May Farm in Cambridgeshire. The project will utilise new electronic matric potential sensors from Delta-T Devices which operate in high moisture substrates and will introduce precise, sensor controlled irrigation to the two substrate layers in mushroom cultivation. This will lead to improved yields of higher quality mushrooms, with less crop and water wastage compared with subjective watering systems involving human operator judgement and error. East Malling Research will provide expertise to the project in irrigation technology and mushroom cropping, quality and disease control.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

G'S FRESH LIMITED £322,007 £ 161,003


NIAB. £87,942 £ 87,942
EAST MALLING RESEARCH £77,767 £ 77,767
DELTA-T DEVICES LIMITED £66,029 £ 39,617


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