Ozone destruction of biofilms for high level decontamination in healthcare

Lead Participant: ANACAIL LIMITED


Ozone is one of the most powerful biocidal agents known to science: bacteria, spores, viruses and biofilms are all susceptible to destruction by ozone. Anacail’s gaseous biocide technology delivers ozone on demand and in situ by using a cold plasma technique to create ozone from the surrounding air. No feedstock gases or additional chemicals are required, and the process can be performed remotely, through sealed packages. Anacail thus offers a unique capacity: end-point decontamination of goods in their final, sealed wrapping. In collaboation with Glasgow University we envisage application in healthcare services, focused on two separate, but linked strands: reservoirs of contaminated liquid (drains), and delicately structured and lumened endoscopes. The linking theme is gas penetration of otherwise inaccessible but contaminated structures: the drain pipe, and the exterior surface and lumens in endoscopes. Disinfection is required to prevent infection spread and cross-contamination.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ANACAIL LIMITED £222,686 £ 130,205


UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW £164,247 £ 164,247


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