YOUBAN: robotic solutions to assist the elderly in daily mobility activities and using robot companionship to offset loneliness and isolation



Care for the elderly is a growing global problem. In China 241 million people are over 60 and this is set to double by 2050. Innovative technology can assist the elderly to perform their daily life tasks. For many Chinese grandparents this includes domestic duties such as ferrying grandchildren from nursery day care, doing the daily shopping and carrying out any administration. Elderly often have difficulty walking more than 500 meters, however mobility devices are expensive and requires room to store.
All in all, intelligent mobility assistance could greatly maximise the elderly functional capabilities.
In other cases where family have moved away for work we want to address the impact of loneliness and improve accessibility by the elderly to the Internet and communication with loved ones, carers and medical facilities. Thus we aim in this project to develop 3 different robots:
1/ YOUBAN Home will address loneliness through companionship and pet type presence
2/YOUBAN Go will provide mobility devices for shopping and child carrying that are motorised for maximum ease and safety
3/ and YOUBAN Ride will be a small 4 wheel scooter with extra intelligent driving security.It has a unique steering capability ideal for elderly with weak arms or arthritis etc.
These robots form the project’s key innovative outcomes.
Healthy Ageing is fundamental to the achievement of universal health coverage (UHC), implicit in Goal 3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This project is directed at long-term care orientated around maximizing function in older age and through assistive technologies support the maintenance of functional ability where necessary. Optimizing opportunities for good health at all stages of life will ensure that older people can maintain independence and increase their social and economic participation in society, while reducing healthcare costs.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

MOTION ROBOTICS LIMITED £409,938 £ 286,957




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