Lead Participant: ULTROMEX LTD


The safe disposal of Spent Pot Linings (SPLs), the waste material generated in the de-lining of steel containers following the aluminium (AL) smelting electrolysis process, is a major environmental challenge as highly toxic & hazardous substances are absorbed into the cell lining (made up of carbon & refractory (ceramic) layers) in the process – making disposal extremely hazardous & expensive. Existing SPL disposal techs (e.g. Macro encapsulation, vitrification), do not look to recover metals or other valuable materials, but simply treat the material to reduce toxicity for landfill disposal. Ultromex have successfully completed PoC work around a novel treatment process which successfully makes the carbon layer from a SPL inert with the potential to re-use in other applications (e.g. new anodes). In order to develop a complete viable solution, Ultromex now seek to complete a 12 month Industrial Research project to investigate the feasibility of treating & de-contaminating the two refractory layers, through the use of novel proprietary mechanical & chemical treatment processes, at a single location & prove they are able to separate all streams – producing inert refractory material (that can be used to make new brick for the cathode cell or used in a wide range of brick products for the construction industry) & inert carbon material (used as an addition for either anode or cathode production or as a high quality fuel). If successful, Ultromex will revolutionise the AL smelting industry by providing a viable closed loop process to a major challenge.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ULTROMEX LTD £423,206 £ 296,245


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