An Adaptive and Autonomous Robotics Module (AARM)

Lead Participant: CYBULA LIMITED


Mobile robots can be used for inspecting and monitoring infrastructure and environments. It is important that the monitoring is accurate. This motivates the need for flexible, autonomous and powerful decision making mobile robots that can be highly customised for diverse application domains. These systems need to be able to learn through fusing data from multiple sources. Until very recently, robots have been task-specific. The Adaptive and Autonomous Robotics Module (AARM) project will produce a robotic module that can be configured to meet the requirements of the robot's mission. An AARM module is built from sets of proprietary plug and play plates that can be configured into a module in a variety of shapes either by a user or by a robotic arm. A module contains a mix of powerful processing plates, sensors plates and technology plates. Modules can be mounted on the back of buggies and used to monitor infrastructure and environments. They analyse the data generated by the sensors and other technology such as cameras using the latest artificial intelligence techniques to detect anomalies. AARM communicates any alerts back to an operator. The project will develop the technology to meet market needs.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CYBULA LIMITED £194,631 £ 135,794


UNIVERSITY OF YORK £55,075 £ 55,075


10 25 50