General purpose IoT Application Management System

Lead Participant: TESKALABS LTD


TeskaLabs is an award-winning mobile application (i.e. app) cybersecurity startup company and their proposed project will address common difficulties and challenges within scaling the industrial IoT application sector. The number of connected devices globally is growing at an astonishing rate and many companies are struggling with managing so many connected devices. Many of the problems and security challenges experienced by many IoT operators and can be managed by TeskaLabs. TeskaLabs plans to provide and manage a reliable, risk-free and secure way of managing fleets of connected IoT devices. Security is of utmost importance and all TeskaLabs technology includes the most up to date protection against cyber-attacks and malware. Teskalabs’ IoT Application Management tool will be available to small businesses through to large corporations. Clients will be able to go online and buy the product from the website or by direct sales. Clients will be able to pay on a monthly or annual basis. The company has put in lots of research & continues to improve the technology and services they can provide. They anticipate to increase their workforce to cope with the expansion in sales and the number of customers they will be offering their services to and thus increasing the value of their company and the profits made.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TESKALABS LTD £94,983 £ 66,488




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