CopperGuard - AI-enabled metal theft prevention



"Archangel Imaging's project will employ AI-enabled camera systems to help stem the cost to business and the taxpayer of widespread metal theft. Around the globe, metals ranging from copper to steel (telecom, rail and power cables and infrastructure) are being stolen at an increasing rate; in the UK alone, it is estimated to be heading towards a £1Bn p.a. area of criminal activity.

In 2017 the price of copper leapt by 50%. The effect of this translates into a spike in copper theft (a global problem).

Taken on a global scale, metal theft is a significant and growing problem and normally it is the taxpayer who covers the cost. Safety is often compromised when criminals degrade rail network or power systems, even when no-one is hurt, the theft usually translates as inconvenience to the public due to communications failure, power outages or rail delays as repairs can often be time consuming and costly. The global market for systems to address the growing multi-billion p.a. metal theft situation is in the hundreds of millions of pounds. The proposed project will develop innovative, low cost technology to allow companies to better protect their valuable infrastructure; the technology easily translates into other areas such as the oil and gas sector, airport security, road safety, in fact wherever routine surveillance is undertaken."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ARCHANGEL IMAGING LTD. £489,459 £ 342,621




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