Verifiable Credentials

Lead Participant: UNIVERSITY OF KENT


Verifiable Credentials will help to provide users with the electronic equivalent of today's plastic cards and paper credentials, such as: passports, driving licenses, bus passes, EHIC cards etc. in an electronic form on their mobile devices. This innovative approach will enable the user to present them to any service at a time of their choosing, in order to gain access to the service. The project will:

1) provide an open source library of the Verifiable Credentials code so that organisations can freely download and use it. This will help to grow the market for Verifiable Credentials.

2) establish an SME that is able to provide consultancy support, bespoke tailoring, and application development and integration, using the open source code, for those organisations who do not have the expertise or staff to do it themselves.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

UNIVERSITY OF KENT £29,935 £ 29,935




10 25 50