New Business Models for 3D content - the role of metadata

Lead Participant: I3DLIFE LIMITED


This project set out to discover new innovative ways of revealing and displaying 3D content on the web and on mobile devices.

We began by collecting evidence of market readiness for 3D objects and their licensing and this was done in consultation with the Victoria and Albert Museum who were our project collaborators.

As a result of our findings a 3D repository was constructed, and populated, which provided the basis for the other elements. Prototypes were then developed for search-by-sketch, search-by-image, and a new 3D content policing system was designed and showcased.

End user feedback on the developed prototypes was provided during user group testing conducted at the V&A during Friday Night Late session.

The feedback gleaned from testing led to further refinements in the software and apps, and the prototypes are now ready for enhancement. i3dLife are seeking to further develop these unique tools for commercialisation.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

I3DLIFE LIMITED £68,690 £ 34,250


V&A ENTERPRISES LIMITED £30,692 £ 15,250


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