Business Model for Probe with On-Chip Processing

Lead Participant: I3D ROBOTICS LTD


i3d robotics is developing a new probe to work at high-temperatures of up to 2000 degrees. It is targeting high-temperature manufacturing environments to make topographic measurements that will monitor surface deformation in furnaces. The two major innovations are the fusing of multi-source complex data and real-time on-chip processing (GPUs) of this data which will come from a number of sensors. The fusing of multi-source data and on-chip processing are key enabling technologies producing intelligent data. Increasing computer power makes this on-chip processing of complex data possible. Initially, this probe will fuse data from a stereo-camera and a lidar identifying corrosion or thinning of furnace linings.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

I3D ROBOTICS LTD £33,000 £ 24,750




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