Dynamic Powerline-based Networking for Better Connected Buildings

Lead Participant: TEROPTA LTD


TerOpta is researching an intelligent system for transmitting information over the power supply. Although the concept is not new we believe our patent protectable technology is innovative and overcomes many of the problems that have to date prevented this approach being commercialised.
The need for an alternative to wireless systems be they WiFi or Zigbee is steadily growing, primarily due to bandwidth and security issues. A major advantage of power line communications systems is their security - the information can be restricted to specific areas, an important desirable in multi occupancy buildings.
This project is to see if it is feasible to extend our technology to the concept of better connected buildings. Up to now we have only looked at controlling lighting systems.
We shall be working closely with the Building Research Establishment in the development of the criteria we need to meet to demonstrate that our proposed technology has the potential to be an enabling technology for most of the scope of the competition. BRE will also help in monitoring our demonstration trials, which will be carried out with the help of a major development company and a major building contractor, indeed our feasibility test unit will be installed in a working commercial building.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TEROPTA LTD £49,629 £ 37,222




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