Ketoreductase Catalysed Manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Lead Participant: CATSCI LIMITED


A consortium comprising of Prozomix, CatScI Ltd and Charnwood Technical Consulting has been established as part of the Innovate UK’s IB Catalyst. The key goal of the project is to develop a technology platform for an IB route to active pharmaceutical ingredients to replace current processes manufactured through traditional chemical manufacturing techniques. The new technology has the potential to significantly reduce manufacturing costs whilst concomitantly allowing an increased output of the active pharmaceutical ingredient with a more robust supply chain. Additionally, this will have the added benefits of generating a more sustainable process as it will be more energy efficient and less reliant on hydrocarbon and precious metal based technologies.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CATSCI LIMITED £124,914 £ 93,686


PROZOMIX LIMITED £75,602 £ 56,702


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