Automated verification process for Vehicle-in-the-loop simulators

Lead Participant: VERTIZAN LIMITED


This project addresses the need for a new approach to test automation applied to automotive vehicle-in-the-

loop (‘VIL’) simulators. Many new intelligent complex systems are being developed for connected and

autonomous vehicles. Those wishing to test and verify these cyber physical safety critical systems are starting

to use a VIL simulator driven by test scripts. The problem with such scripted test methodologies is that each

test case is developed as a fixed order of test actions. Each of these test actions also contains fixed parameter

values. When testing all of the use-case requirements thousands of scripted test cases are needed to cover all

the combinations of test actions and parameter values. Defects and errors could be left in the system if these

test scripts do not exercise all of the functionality of the system of systems in ways that could occur in real life.

The project is to characterise the market requirements and feasibility of Vertizan and WMG serving a possibly

unmet need: automating the process of verifying a complex autonomous driving system of systems through

intelligent automated test input generation.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

VERTIZAN LIMITED £76,016 £ 53,211


UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK £23,977 £ 23,977




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