
Lead Participant: CROP INTELLECT LTD


Crop Intellect Ltd (CI) is a developer of IP in the agrochemical industry. Based on R&D for innovative solutions in agriculture they discover new actives and license the IP to multinational organisations to commercialise the inventions. More than 50% of the nitrogen applied to crops is lost through denitrification releasing Nitrous Oxide (NO) through the soil. Agricultural soils represent a very large and growing global source of NO, which is a key greenhouse gas conributing to climate change. They contribute 70% of the issue compared to 30% from car and industry emissions. The UK government was taken to court as there are no technologies to invest into for cleaning the air of NO. Nitrous oxide is 300 times more harming to the environment than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. 45,000 deaths yearly in the UK are attributed to air polluting NO. An innovative technology has been developed by Crop Intellect Ltd, administered as a foliar composition to improve crop productivity combined with an air cleaning technology in a synergistic manner.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CROP INTELLECT LTD £55,655 £ 38,959


UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN £28,311 £ 28,311


10 25 50