Dynamic Vessel Design Feasibility Study for subsea WITT Energy Harvester

Lead Participant: WITT LIMITED


This feasibility project looks to determine whether the WITT energy harvester, which converts chaotic motional energy from all 6 degrees of freedom into electrical energy, could be deployed tethered to the sea floor in remote locations, and housed within a protective casing, to convert sub-sea currents into electrical energy to power sensor instrumentation subsea. Witt Limited will be working with The Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (OREC), the UK’s flagship technology, innovation and research centre for offshore wind, wave and tidal energy, as a subcontractor to draw on their expertise and knowledge to devise an optimum embodiment to convert such subsea currents into electricity with the WITT housed inside. Witt Limited has been approached by oil and gas entities interested in the capability for the WITT to power sensors subsea, defence entities for sensors, and others for environmental and other applications. The benefit of the WITT is that it would be able to provide continuous power where otherwise battery solutions would be required which batteries are very costly to replace in remote sea locations.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

WITT LIMITED £97,266 £ 68,086




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