Blockchain Enabled Vehicle to Local Grid (BEV2LG)

Lead Participant: AGILE CHARGING LTD


"At 40% EV market penetration, 32% of UK local electricity networks will require intervention, with an estimated cost of £2.2bn by 2050 (EA Technologies). Clusters of EVs, such as EV car clubs' hubs, have a more significant impact on the local grid, especially when looking at peak demand, harmonics and voltage violations. V2G has the potential to reduce low voltage network upgrade requirements. In today's perspective, DNOs have no ability to harness V2G to adjust load in localised areas to avoid network faults or support in recovery from network outage/black start circumstances. In order to meet the market need for a cross sector solution, Agile Impressions (AI), Green Running (GR) and E-Car Club (E-Car) seek to establish feasibility for a Blockchain Enabled Vehicle to Local Grid (BEV2LG), implementing GR's emerging blockchain technology in the e-mobility sector, where EC and AI have a strong record delivering business-minded innovation.

BEV2LG will enable EV fleet owners to export electricity back to the grid when most needed by local grids and do billing, creating a platform in which EV fleet owners can provide grid balancing services to local networks operators (DNOs) through blockchain technology. This guarantees e-mobility to benefit from: high interoperability across stakeholders, secure permissioned interaction so that various stakeholders work on one value chain, no single point of failure (decentralized, transparent, redundant and secure), and pay-as-you-go microtransactions to be profitable (no middle man). This feasibility study validates the technical and commercial potential of BEV2LG, applying cutting edge technology to unlock V2G services to benefit local networks."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AGILE CHARGING LTD £94,233 £ 65,963


GREEN RUNNING LIMITED £76,557 £ 53,590
UBEEQO UK LIMITED £45,353 £ 22,676


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