M2030 bee Energy Simulator: Application of collaborative digital technologies to manufacturing resource efficiency

Lead Participant: 2 DEGREES LIMITED


How can we halve our natural resource use and double our productivity in 10 years? By consistently improving by 7% year on year. This is what we know the best performing produce, manufacturing and retail companies can do. 2degrees has the online platform to start this improvement process for companies in many different sectors. Now we need to develop our dataset to model portfolios of improvements that can unlock that 7%.

2degrees and HSSMI are partnering to bring together deep experience in manufacturing system modelling, with a proven track record of creating intuitive software products to solve complex problems in industry. 2degrees have validated improvement actions across many areas of Energy, Water and Waste productivity and a best practice sharing platform to enable industry professionals to quickly draw up improvement plans. HSSMI have the knowledge of how to simulate production environments to optimize on these types of improvement actions.

By partnering on this project, both companies can bring expertise to model and simulate actions for professionals to develop more robust improvement plans. By using simulation on an ever expanding and improving set of actions, and by sharing relevant insight across an audience of thousands of professionals, we can scale adoption much more quickly. This funding will help to enhance a new platform in a sector where high-cost, long lead-time, bespoke solutions are the norm and comparison of improvement projects is very difficult. This new online product will give a much broader range of professionals access to a simulation tool which is intuitive and powerful.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

2 DEGREES LIMITED £68,688 £ 48,082


HSSMI LIMITED £29,994 £ 29,994


10 25 50