SAMBA - Smart Automotive Managed Battery Algorithms

Lead Participant: FUUSE LIMITED


"SAMBA (Smart Automotive Managed Battery Algorithms) is a project seeking to develop an innovative health module that integrates with electric vehicle chargers and uses smart algorithm technology to help prolong battery life. Recent research shows that optimally charging and discharging the battery could improve its life by about 10% over a year.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are often seen as a key driver towards a greener future and reduced air pollution. There are now almost 110,000 EVs on UK roads, and sales are set to rise sharply. ""By 2030, we could see as many as nine million electric vehicles on the road,"" (Marcus Stewart, National Grid Energy Insights Manager).

EV batteries are the crucial component in determining both the price and environmental impact of EVs, as they contain rare earth materials that are cost-intense to extract and difficult to recycle. Increasing the lifespan of EV batteries is therefore not only key to making EVs more economically viable, but also environmentally imperative. Additionally, with rising EV numbers comes a rising demand on the charging infrastructure in terms of available charge points and electricity generation.

SAMBA combines cutting-edge smart algorithms, machine learning and innovative technology to optimise EV charging for battery health. Currently, EV owners would want their EV charged to full as fast as possible. This ""ICE analogy"" behaviour, however, often contradicts the process that would help prolong battery life. It also often results in charge being drawn from national grid at the least opportune times, both in terms of network demand and cost. The SAMBA health module optimises the charging process by smart switching of multiple electricity flows. SAMBA gets added to an existing EV charge point together with a local renewable energy generator (e.g. solar, wind) with its own local battery pack and a two-way connection to the the national grid. The algorithms then intelligently manage battery needs, e.g. discharge completely before recharging, in order to prolong battery life. The charge post's vehicle-to-grid capability ensures that the charge drawn from the car battery can also be fed into the grid to help meet peak demands and reduce energy costs. Similarly, surplus from the local energy source is fed into the grid. Crucially, the innovative software includes machine learning algorithms that predict charging patterns and manage battery life to always make the optimal choice between charging and discharging from the post's own generator, the grid and the vehicle."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

FUUSE LIMITED £81,466 £ 57,026




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