Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Roadmap

Lead Participant: HULL CITY COUNCIL


Humber LEP and membership organisation CATCH will develop the Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Roadmap (HIDR), establishing the pathway for the Humber industrial cluster's carbon emissions to be net zero by 2040 and significantly reduced by 2030.

The Humber cluster is concentrated around the Humber Estuary. It includes the UK's main steel production centre; two oil refineries; two major chemicals clusters; and biofuel, cement, lime and glass manufacturers. It is part of the Energy Estuary, which includes the largest offshore windfarm under
construction in the world; several existing and planned gas-fired power stations; and the UK's largest biomass power station - offering the potential for blue and green hydrogen production and BECCS. The UK's largest ports complex and the UK's largest Enterprise Zone underpin the area's potential for further industrial growth.

The Humber benefits from the UK's most geologically understood site for potential CO2 storage under the North Sea; the deepest UK salt deposits, ideal for hydrogen storage, already utilised for onshore gas storage; and significant natural sequestration potential around the Humber Estuary.

The Humber emits more CO2 than any other industrial cluster (30% more than the next largest), whilst the area is highly vulnerable to climate change through flood risk. A quarter of Humber GVA and 1 in 10 jobs depend on these
industries, making safeguarding their competitiveness imperative.

Clean growth, including achieving net zero by 2040, is therefore at the centre of the Humber's Local Industrial Strategy which is due for publication shortly.

Developing HIDR is identified as a critical early action.
HIDR will enable large industrial emitters, low carbon infrastructure providers and other stakeholders to develop a shared approach to achieving net zero by 2040. This will break down the UK's biggest industrial decarbonisation
opportunity into manageable parts, align it with wider local clean growth plans and build consensus around the actions required. This coordinated approach will reduce the barriers to developing and connecting to low carbon infrastructure, enable the Humber to engage effectively together with
Government on business and regulatory models, and maximise local business and community benefits from the transition.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

HULL CITY COUNCIL £36,000 £ 36,000


HCF CATCH LIMITED £84,000 £ 58,800


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