Integrated multi-vector smart energy systems at building, campus and neighbourhood scales

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Bartlett Sch of Env, Energy & Resources


The overarching aim of this project is to create an evidence based framework for evaluating the potential for integrating Smart Energy Systems at University Campus level within an urban environment. The UCL Bloomsbury campus will be used as a reference system. Its location, within the heart of London, is a characteristic example of an existing University network sharing infrastructure and continuously interacting with an urban district system. Thus, it can be used as a model that can demonstrate the intricacies and benefits of the adaptation to a smart campus with smart energy systems for the entire ecosystem.

Specifically, the project will set out to identify:
i. The scale of potential energy demand reduction derived from applying energy efficiency measures at a UK or EU wide university level;
ii. University campus systems that can be primarily utilised or adapted in the context of the Smart Campus; relationships will be explored to propose connections of segregated systems and infrastructure by integrating intelligence based on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) for buildings and the 'Smart buildings in a decarbonised energy system, 10 Principles to Deliver Real Benefits for Europe's Citizens' report by the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE). The aim will be to enhance typically occurring university learning activities, user experience and management activities as well as to promote synergies with the university's neighbouring activities and users to the benefit of both;
iii. The required measures to integrate low-carbon energy technologies and ICT solutions to move from a single-sector to multi-vector smart energy systems for the delivery of low-carbon energy and a smart campus - including energy efficiency measures, renewable energy integration, energy and thermal storage, demand flexibility;
iv. How the above can form a framework that can be used as a universal roadmap for the evaluation of university campuses;
v. How applying the proposed framework to the reference UCL campus system can create a feedback loop to re-evaluate the framework and propose potential changes to the framework's methodology;
vi. The economic, social and ethical impacts at campus and neighbourhood scale to support the business case for the uptake of the framework;
vii. Dissemination of outcomes to stakeholders and decision and policy makers.

A rapid systematic literature review will be conducted to identify and evaluate the applicability of existing frameworks, benchmarking methodologies (e.g. Display Energy Certificates) and system modelling tools to the reference system of the UCL campus. Alongside this, a register of the required data and information will be collated based on the selected methods of analysis.
Available data will be identified, energy reporting tools, estates management engagement and identification of related previous studies concerning the UCL. To streamline the whole process an appropriate data management plan will be created.
The UCL building stock will be modelled based on the previous findings and existing campus models aiming to evaluate the campus's smart readiness and potential to integrate smart energy networks.
Based on the outcomes of this evaluation, the relevant adaptation measures will be proposed for the integration of smart energy systems.
The proposed measures will be then tested using energy systems modelling aiming to test and quantify the impacts of the adoption of such measures. Modelling outcomes will add to the evidence base for the development of the framework.

A high-quality project will deliver a novel framework for the evaluation and integration of smart energy systems to university campuses. These can ultimately act as the frontrunner in driving innovation in the whole commercial building sector and the city scale.


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