Quantum security protocols

Lead Research Organisation: Lancaster University
Department Name: Physics


This project will investigate protocols for implementing quantum physically unclonable functions (QPUFs) in secure architectures, both classical and quantum; and theoretically-secure, practical protocols for quantum communication.

To implement QPUFs, the student will define a set of figures of merit for assessing the performance of devices against, and then refine algorithms for reading the devices that optimises for these figures of merit. Data will be taken from simulated devices, and structures that have been fabricated in Lancaster's Quantum Technology Centre and analysed with novel techniques developed by the student.

This project has strong theoretic and computational elements but will also have practical elements. The student will be trained in experimental skills, learning to take optical and electronic measurements of integrated semiconductor devices. Simulations and calculations will be conducted using Matlab code, developed by the student with guidance from the supervisor. In the assessment of performance of security devices, the student is exploring reformulations of distance metrics and entropy measurements to both judge performance against figures of merit, and to accompany the data as a supplement. The student is implementing Matlab code to test novel measurement techniques developed specifically for the analysis of QPUFs.

An investigation of novel communication protocols, as well as existing cryptographic primitives will aim to realise implementations of such protocols in practical and feasible ways experimentally. For the investigation of novel communication protocols, the student shall work alongside experimentalists, laying out the theoretical and mathematical background of novel proposals for protocols such as Quantum Digital Signatures (QDS) and exploring avenues for feasible and practical implementations within laboratories.

The student will work as part of an integrated team, meeting informally with PDRAs and the supervisor on a daily basis. Formal, weekly meetings, will monitor progress of the project.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/R513076/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2023
2273743 Studentship EP/R513076/1 30/09/2019 30/03/2023 Elliott Ball