Feasibility of Novel Industrial Air Compressor

Lead Participant: LONTRA LIMITED


Lontra is developing a highly innovative, energy efficient compressor. The technology
reduces energy consumption by over 20%. The company has focused on three initial markets:
waste water aeration, low pressure (sub 3 bar) compressors and automotive superchargers.
Lontra has projects underway in these markets, with engagement by customers and end users
and prototypes demonstrating the efficiency (with TSB support on supercharger projects).
Lontra would like to investigate the next priority markets, with a push into mainstream
industrial air markets. In this market, typical pressure ranges are from 7-10 bar. This is the
main market, with compressors found in all manufacturing facilities. 10% of industrial
electricity is converted to air - this is a major energy saving opportunity. However, it is a
large, diverse and complex market, with many drivers and players. To be successful, Lontra
needs to focus on one or two niches where there is strong demand, a distinct problem to solve
and identifiable end users, to enter the market.
The proposed project is therefore not technical - it is to identify the next commercial step for
the company, to reduce risks and maximise the chance of success. The team will research the
market needs and competitor offerings, attend conferences and meetings, and commission a
small amount of external research. Once intelligence is reviewed, the team will bring together
a commercial and technical plan for entering the market. We know the market demand is
there overall - we need to understand exactly what niche, pressure rating, flow rating etc is
most accessible.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

LONTRA LIMITED £41,289 £ 24,773




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