Automated stretch wrapping system for small heat sensitive and aerosols

Lead Participant: TRAK-RAP LIMITED


Shrink wrapping is widely used as secondary packaging to unitise individual items into a
larger unit load. However, there are some issues associated with the use of shrink wrapping,
particularly for aerosols. Of all packaging machines, shrink wrappers are one of the heaviest
energy users. The process requires running the pack through a heat tunnel at temperatures
over 220°C to shrink the polyethylene film onto the product.
The opportunity for Trak-Rap is the development of an automated wrapping system that uses
virtually no heat and uses thin, linear low density polyethylene, recyclable “stretch” film to
secure the pack. It provides a cost effective wrapping solution for small heat sensitive
products like aerosols without the need of collated trays. It will thus provide an alternative to
shrink wrapping by offering the same benefits but with considerable energy and cost savings.
It will reduce heat and energy requirements by 95% and reduce the use of plastic materials by
> 60%. It will eliminate the risk of explosion during the wrapping process of aerosols (at no
time the products will be exposed to heat), simplify HSE requirements, lower insurance
premiums, reduce the amount of safety equipment and reduce product changeover times (one
size of film fits all packs) as well as packaging costs.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TRAK-RAP LIMITED £40,665 £ 24,399


10 25 50