Spray Applied Permeable Wall Insulation (SAPWI)

Lead Participant: Q-BOT LIMITED


A lack of adequate thermal insulation is the single largest cause of energy loss in older
buildings in Northern Europe. 44% of CO2 emissions are attributable to buildings with 24%
coming from homes. In the UK, as 85% of the built environment present in 2050 have already
been constructed, retrofitting of existing buildings is the largest part of the challenge for
reducing thermal losses.
Insulation of walls can reduce heat loss from historic buildings by up to 40%, and although
improving the efficiency of our built environment using Solid Wall Insulation has been
gaining momentum (stimulated by various incentive schemes), recent research by the BRE
demonstrates that many installations fail within 5 years and can cause significant damage to
both the building and its inhabitants. There are nearly 8 million solid wall homes in the UK,
and while reducing their energy use is critical to reducing CO2 emissions, it appears that
currently there is not a harmless way of doing so.
Q-Bot is developing an innovative Solid Wall Insulation material that has the potential to
improve the energy efficiency of millions of Europe's oldest and least energy efficient
buildings by as much as 40% while reducing installation costs by 50 to 75% and, most
importantly, a material that maintains the moisture transfer qualities of existing walls allowing
them to dry out naturally to the outside of the dwelling.
As part of this proposal we intend to assess the market for a new, smart material for Solid
Wall Insulation, that can be spray-applied, expand on site and can be applied automatically
using a novel robotic deposition and shaping process developed by Q-Bot. The material will
have adaptive hydroscopic qualities that can maintain the moisture balance of existing UK
homes post application. The robotic system is superior to other insulation deposition methods,
as it reduces costs, can access uneven and intricate spaces, and is sympathetic to building

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

Q-BOT LIMITED £40,000 £ 24,000




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