Novel Control of Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria during Anaerobic Digestion



Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a common and growing means of reducing the organic wastes,
otherwise sent to landfill, dumped at sea or incinerated. It is central ato the UK’s
Government’s commitment to work towards a ‘zero waste’ economy and to introduce
measures to increase renewabl energy production from waste. With almost any organic
material suitable for AD, the resulting biogas has applications in generating heat and
electricity, converted into biofuels or injected into the national gas grid. Furthermore, the
resulting digestates are valuable biofertilers. The AD process involves complex microbial
communities, over several stages. Within these communities, however, are useless
competitors (sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB’s)), which can significantly reduce the energy
output of the AD process, as well as being responsible for unpleasant odours associated with
biofertiliers. The challenge that will be addressed in the proposed project is to develop an
innovate bactericide treatment that will specifically remove these SRB’s, with the resulting
economic and social benefits of increased AD yield and reduced customer complaints
regarding odours. The lead business (Advanced Pest Solutions) is developing an innovative
antibacterial platform technology based on novel, naturally-occurring, highly specific and safe
agents (bacteriophage). The company has already made significant commercial advances with
the technology in the field of aerobic bacteria (particularly in agricultural- and food processing
markets) and this project represents a development into a new and rapidly expanding market.
We aim to produce bespoke bacteriophage AD additives targeted at SRB communities in a
range of digester types, bringing commercial benefit to the applicant, as well as providing a
tool to enhance AD efficiency and promote the process in the drive to increase renewable
energy production.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

APS BIOCONTROL LIMITED £158,335 £ 95,001




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