Wittos - Mobile Internet Analytics & Predictive Content Over WiFi

Lead Participant: WITTOS LTD


The increasing availability and uptake of smart mobile devices offering broadband
connectivity has raised demand for a smarter in-store experience, specifically a means for
bricks and mortar retailers to connect to and engage with their customers. Whilst analytics of
traditional Internet user behaviour has matured, and a myriad of solutions offering insight and
engagement have evolved, no comparable solutions exist to offer retailers insight into a
customer's online behaviour whilst within their premises.
Wittos has developed a breakthrough new solution that offers real-time actionable intelligence
and awareness of the customer's in-store intentions. This technology forms the core of the
Wittos platform which builds upon a traditional Wireless hotspot offering Internet
connectivity. Wittos combines data gathered from the user's online activity, their physical
location and path through a venue and uses this to match their actions to a behavioural profile
(companion or shopper). This profile can then be matched with products of interest (their
online focus) and acted upon to serve the most relevant content to user or improving their instore
experience by providing real-time intelligence to staff on the floor. This reactive
intelligence offers the retailer a means to increase the customer’s dwell time and increase the
chance that an in-store customer transacts.
This technology will offer traditional retailers a competitive advantage as relevant alternatives
to their purely electronic competitors, a greatly improved in-store customer experience and the
ability to match demand and supply in real-time.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

WITTOS LTD £165,589 £ 90,461




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