Creating a Proof-of-Concept cloud-deployable software system to compare a unique fingerprint for aerospace composite parts as part of preventing ingress of counterfeit parts into the supply chain and protecting revenue streams.

Lead Participant: ADAPTIX LIMITED


**Project Description:** To demonstrate the "_fingerprinting_" of multiple representative aerospace parts made using composites and the ability to discriminate between them as a result of the fingerprinting, ideally for those parts to be actual production parts provided by an aerospace prime.

**Need:** Counterfeit parts are: "_A product produced or altered to resemble a product without authority or right to do so, with the intent to mislead or defraud by passing the imitation as original or genuine_".

The estimated counterfeit market size for all products exceeds $460Bn. The aerospace and automotive parts are in 10th place among the most counterfeited products, accounting for 2% of this illegal business (almost $10Bn).

A 2008 report by the Boeing Company states that anything can be counterfeited including fasteners (bolts, nuts, rivets) and materials.

Fake parts in the aerospace industry are among the most dangerous as they put unsuspecting people at risk of injury or death.

The need is to create a mechanism for operators to have certainty as to device provenance to protect against the risk of catastrophic failure and resulting economic damage to manufacturers and operators resulting from counterfeit parts use.

**Innovation**: Our combination of patent-pending innovations will allow composite components to be given a unique 'fingerprint' such that composite products can be traced through the supply chain and validated prior to use.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ADAPTIX LIMITED £209,648 £ 104,824




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