Digital Printing Media Preparation



This project will produce a prototype of an innovative system to clean and prepare fabric prior
to Digital Printing (DP) using a contactless application method. The system will move the DP
industry forward making fabric pre-treatment available at an affordable and commercially
acceptable price to all printing companies.
The product will give the printer the ability to clean and pre-treat small amounts of fabric
appropriate to planned print runs, use different chemical formulas to suit different printing
systems, improve quality, reduce costs and improve gross margins.
Digital printing is a growth market and is expanding at some 25% per annum. Conventional
printing has moved out of Europe because of high labour costs and environmental issues. The
trend within Europe is to print with digital technology with low environmental impact and
lower capital investment. DP reduces lead time to market, placing production closer to the end
user. This value added activity is continuing to grow in the EU and is returning production
from overseas suppliers.
Technijet is an innovative company based in the North of England with a record of designing
specialist machinery for high profile customers including Rolls Royce and BAE Systems
based on an ongoing R&D programme.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

TECHNIJET LIMITED £185,018 £ 83,258


10 25 50