
Lead Participant: HBR MIDLANDS LTD


With the consumer demanding the latest electronic products (i.e. the latest i-Phone/i-Pad/computer), the amount of waste electric and electronic equipment thrown away is increasing by around 15% each year, making it the fastest growing waste stream in Europe. Today, still more than 50% of these waste streams end up in landfills.Our business looks to deliver a solution for the recovery and extraction of critical raw materials to the UK economy (Gold/Silve/Rare Earth) from the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment streams from both the domestic, and commercial and Industrial sectors, all of which have a good commodity price on the London Metal Exchange. The materials identified by our technoolgy are those listed by Department for Business Innovation and Skills and the European Union as being critical for the countries growth and security. The proposed solution is to develop a reuse, recycle and recovery operation for these materials in the regional economy. To optimise the efficiencies we will work with local businesses, Local Authorities and the local communities. Initial dialogue with the Birmingham based businesses, Local Authorities and Waste Collectors have shown great promise and a supply of these raw materials is already guaranteed.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

HBR MIDLANDS LTD £5,000 £ 5,000




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