tb busters research

Lead Participant: A J HUGHES


Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a major problem facing the livestock industry in the UK. The disease is costing the country millions of pounds a year and thousands of cattle are being slaughtered. One of the main routes of disease transmission is between cattle and badgers. In order to reduce disease spread, biosecurity measures are recommended. The TB Buster is a mineral bucket stand aimed at preventing contact between badgers and cattle which can spread the disease. The stand is the only one of its kind that can be secured and durable in the ground, can be accessed by cattle but not moved, and is not easily accessed by badgers. To be tested for its effectiveness and practicality over a long time period under a number of farm conditions, the business requires the help of an expert with the necessary resources and knowledge of the variables that need to be considered. The business would benefit from such testing to validate or improve the existing product, potentially leading to greater uptake among farmers, and an increase in sales.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

A J HUGHES £5,000 £ 5,000




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