A new low energy process for recycling automotive exhaust catalysts

Lead Participant: ULTROMEX LTD


Every month thousands of catalytic converters are shipped outside the UK for recycling. Current smelting recovery processes can be highly detrimental to the environment & are also extremely energy intensive. Current chemical processes can be dangerous & produce chlorinated compounds that are environmentally detrimental. All current processes have a huge carbon footprint to recover a tiny amount of PGM. We have discovered new technology that could be capable of recovering these PGMs at low cost from ‘cats’. It is envisaged that we will exploit our technology directly and also license it for installation in de-centralised PGM recovery plants located close to the recycling points. It will allow more efficient recovery, using safer chemistry with lower costs, while reducing the transport carbon footprint dramatically, enhancing the economic and environmental performance of the industry. It will enable markets to retain control and enhance recovery of a precious resource.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ULTROMEX LTD £5,000 £ 5,000




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