Amrita Drinks

Lead Participant: AMRITA DRINKS


Amrita Drinks is a small-scale factory producing a one hundred percentage natural non-dairy probiotic beverages that is located in the Northumberland, United Kingdom. This is a relatively new business in its start-up phase having been incorporated recently.

Amrita products is cultured by introducing a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts) into water. The beneficial bacteria and yeasts present in the Amrita grains (Tibicos) metabolize the sugar, turning it into an array of beneficial acids and infusing it with beneficial microorganisms, additional B vitamins as well as food enzymes.
The health benefits of consuming Amrita are endless. They are a natural supplier of probiotics to our digestive tract. Probiotics refers to the healthy bacteria that usually feed on the “bad” unhealthy bacteria in our stomach and intestines.
Another health advantage of Amrita is that people who do not wish to consume dairy or have a vegan type diet may find that Amrita provides the living probiotics without the need for dairy or tea cultured products, like “kombucha”. Vegans also may like to know that through the fermentation process Amrita becomes an excellent source of vitamin B12, and is high in vitamins B1 and B6.

?Diabetics, in particular, could greatly benefit from drinking Amrita. Since the finished product, if bottled, will produce a carbonated beverage, it provides an alternative to sweet soda drinks. In that sense, anyone from children to adults can enjoy Amrita guilt-free.

Majority do not realise that the bacteria which live inside of us play an incredibly important role in our health. There are so many of them, that they make up 90 percent of the cells in our body and their most important jobs include manufacturing vitamins for us and breaking down and digesting our food.
We have been surprised when the questionnaires showed us that only 24% of low income class know what probiotics is meanwhile 90% of the middle and upper class answered correctly.

The other fact is that probiotics market is growing rapidly. Right now we have a non-profit project “British Gut” This project is designed to deliver a message to British citizens how it is important to take care of your gut.
In general there is a gap on the market which is due lack of knowledge.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AMRITA DRINKS £5,000 £ 5,000




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