Developing a prototype, reusable custom-fit mask

Lead Participant: MY MASK FIT LIMITED


The global emergence of COVID-19 has underscored the need for a reliable supply of respiratory facial protection which, if used correctly, it can provide adequate protection from the infection for all users, from healthcare workers to medically vulnerable individuals. Currently, the vast majority of respiratory facial protection includes masks that are disposable and standard-fit, not tailored to an individual's face. We have identified the critical need for supply of reusable masks that are custom-fitted. This need arises from the primarily from around 150,000 NHS workers who are struggling to have their masks adequately fitted and therefore unable to safely protect themselves in the clinical environment. Additionally, the environmental impact of disposable masks is enormous, with \>400,000,000 masks being distributed by the NHS in 4.5 months. This project aims to combat both the fit issue and the environmental impact of disposable masks by creating a prototype of a reusable mask which is custom-fitted to an individual and meets the necessary regulatory and safety standards. Our innovative project aims to develop a facial scanning app that users can access from their own mobile device. The relevant data will be then transmitted through our platform resulting in the production of a reusable custom-fitted mask.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

MY MASK FIT LIMITED £213,328 £ 170,663


NEWICON LTD £96,983 £ 77,586
AUTHENTISE £35,042 £ 28,034
RS COMPONENTS LIMITED £71,743 £ 57,394


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