Saltromex: A new technology to remediate current & historic hazardous and polluting aluminium smelting wastes

Lead Participant: ULTROMEX LTD


Ultromex Limited has developed a number of highly innovative technologies to assist the aluminium smelting industry deal proactively with its production wastes. Many of these wastes are designated as hazardous and prohibited from landfill.

Disposal of these wastes is highly problematic and expensive, involving processing fees and transportation costs, often crossing trans-national boundaries bringing additional costs and complications.

Ultromex is developing technologies for multiple smelting waste streams, with the primary goals of: -

Reducing costs and increasing profits for smelters (both primary and secondary)
Helping smelters to reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact
Keeping hazardous wastes out of landfill
Allowing the industry to be a significant participant in the circular economy
In 2017 Ultromex brought to market ALTROMEX enabling smelters to recover valuable metal from drosses before charging the furnace increasing yields, efficiency and throughput with the most recent installation at the end of 2019 in the GCC.

At the end of 2020 Ultromex commissioned the first SALTROMEX plant, a smelter sized treatment plant, with several unique innovations enabling it to be deployed in situ with affordable Capex and Opex allowing smelters to treat their own salt slag, recover value from the constituents and avoid expensive third-party processing & transportation.

Also, at the end of 2020 Ultromex secured a contract with Rio Tinto to deploy SALTROMEX, modified for increase throughput and the removal of a wider range of contaminants, to remediate a salt slag landfill in France. Ultromex is confident that this project will open up many future projects in Europe and around the world and demonstrate value to those who are responsible for problematic landfills containing alumunium smelting wastes.

Ultromex also offers solutions to address other aluminium industry wastes such Spent Pot Liners and filter dusts as they arise at the smelter, or where they have been stockpiled or landfilled in the past.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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