The AW Water Generator



Security and availability of drinking water is a potentially significant impact on the growth of emerging nations and also developed nations as population density increases. Added to that is the need for potable water to be cost effective, energy efficient and free from impurities such as solids, bacteria and chemicals.
The Atlantic Water Company's Water Generator is a pre-revenue prototype machine which on its own and with associated water purification technology removes impurities from contaminated water and makes it suitable for drinking and use in food processing in excess of World Health Organisation's standards. The technology allows the conversion to drinking water of unpalatable sources including river water, swamp water, flood water, well water, sewage water and sea water.
This project will address the feasilibilty of both upscaling and downscaling the prototype technology to water purification and supply of potable water in a cost-effective and energy efficient way for both commerical and domestic consumer applications.
Protoptype technology has been developed in a water generator that can process up to 1400 litres per day (approximately 1 litre per minute). To maximise the commerical potential and provide disruptive technology in the water purification market, input is required to prove this technology in a system in a commercial setting.
The feasibility study will demonstrate the ability of water from a typical process industry, that is traditionally disposed of in the sewage system, to be cleaned and re-used. A key output of the feasibility study will be independent test reports proving the output water quality exceeds World Health Organisation and other relevant water quality standards.
This technology has the potential to put the UK at the fore-front of closed-loop water recycling processes, with low energy consumption. It will also help to minimise chemical additives in food production and allow consumers and industry better control on resources consumed.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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