Lead Research Organisation: University for the Creative Arts
Department Name: Farnham Campus


Putting Ourselves in the Picture, - Part 2: Engaging with Industry (POITP 2) aims to capitalise on the research activity undertaken by the partnership group and the participant women in part 1 of POITP, to create further impact for a group of emerging photographers who are from migrant and refugee communities, in the worlds of both art based and commercial photography practice. Putting Ourselves in the Picture project (2021 - 2022, POITP 1) was an inspiring training and mentorship program for marginalised women, from refugee and migrant communities, who had no access to photography training or education. The project was created by Fast Forward; Women in Photography based at University for the Creative Arts in partnership with Women for Refugee Women, Autograph, Impressions Gallery, Work Show Grow and National Galleries of Scotland and funded by a AHRC EDI Engagement Fellowship led by Professor Anna Fox. It culminated in the creation of outputs including a series of podcasts, short films and a publication. POITP was inspiring in many ways, the most significant aspects being how these new photographers were able to tell their own stories from their own perspectives and how engaged many of them became with the medium of photography itself and started to think about ways of making a living in photography. This is what has motivated this application for follow on funding. From now on, in this application, I will refer to the female and non-binary groups that we will be working with as the 'emerging photographers'

This project is based on the knowledge that opportunities in photography for marginalised women and non-binary photographers are few and far between and there is an increased need for change in the burgeoning histories of the photography industry and the white male dominance of this industry since its inception.

This application, for follow on funding, aims to increase the impact of the research from the AHRC EDI Fellowship, POITP 1, by informing current debates around photography, women and non-binary photographers in relation to employability and well-being. The aim is to develop new skills with a group of emerging photographers in preparation for working as professionals in the photography industry and to enshrine important values and knowledge into the photography industry (which includes photographers, printers, designers, galleries, archives, agencies, collectives, libraries, studios, curators and editors) regarding the employment of women and non-binary photographers and in particular marginalised women. POITP 2 will lead up to the creation of The International Photography Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Group, a group of people from the photography industry and from education who will work together to create tool kits, advice and skills development on employment and employability for future emerging photographers from diverse backgrounds.


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