The non-coding Arabidopsis genome

Lead Research Organisation: University of Dundee
Department Name: School of Life Sciences


What we used to think goes something like this: Our chromosomes are made of DNA and embedded within them are our genes. When our genes are switched on, they are converted into a related molecule called RNA, which eventually converts the code of our genes into proteins that carry out all the tasks in our cells. Much of the DNA in our chromosomes doesn't encode such genes and is therefore junk. But we think of things a little differently now: Although the human genome was sequenced 10 years ago we are still working out what it codes for. To our surprise much more of it is copied into RNA than that which codes for proteins. We call these non-coding RNAs and it turns out that many play critical roles in controlling how protein coding genes are switched on, off, or modified. We now realize that to understand how genes and genomes work, we need to discover non-coding RNAs and work out what they do. My lab is interested in how plants control flower development. We have discovered that non-coding RNAs control when flowers are made and this has got us interested in non-coding RNAs. DNA sequencing has been revolutionized recently by so-called next generation sequence technology. This approach can be used to sequence copies of RNA too, allowing us to identify all the RNAs made in a cell. Copies of RNA are made by something called RT, so we almost never look at RNA directly. Unfortunately RT can make mistakes so our interpretations about RNA can be wrong. Last year a company called Helicos Biosciences developed a 3rd Generation sequencing technology that can sequence RNA directly. We have collaborated with this company to sequence the ends of RNA molecules in Arabidopsis (the first plant to have its entire genome sequenced). While doing this we also found lots of non-coding RNAs and lots of problems with previous experiments that used RT to look at RNA. In this proposal we want to build on our breakthroughs with this technology to discover and annotate the non-coding RNAs of Arabidopsis. As the annotation of all other plant genomes largely derives from Arabidopsis, this will be invaluable in understanding other plant genomes, including the crops that we depend on for food and fuel. We will look for hidden RNAs and long non-coding RNAs. Some non-coding RNAs are destroyed almost as quickly as they are made, so they are normally effectively hidden. But they can be seen in plants that lack the exosome - a group of proteins that destroy RNAs. We have already shown there are lots of mistakes in a previous attempt to look at these RNAs, so we know that our approach is a great way to show these RNAs in accurate detail. The RNA sequencing we have already carried out identified lots of RNAs not previously found before. The trouble is our sequencing only identified the ends of these RNAs and we don't know the nature of the whole RNA molecule. A recent study of human non-coding RNAs found it helpful to fragment RNA, sequence, and compare special marks on chromosomes found where genes start and where the 'body' of a gene is. We will take the same approach here with Arabidopsis, but sequence RNA directly rather than RT made copies. In this proposal, we will also try to identify a function for a large number of the RNAs we find. In humans, long non-coding RNAs act as a scaffold for special proteins that switch genes off. We will find RNAs that bind to these proteins in Arabidopsis. My lab has special expertise here, as we were among the first to show how to do this in Arabidopsis. Finally, our recent breakthroughs identified a set of non-coding RNAs that mostly do a quite well worked out job: snoRNAs help modify other RNAs. Unfortunately, we found lots of problems in the way people have looked at Arabidopsis non-coding RNAs that can be explained by snoRNAs and RT mistakes. To prevent this happening in the future, we will sort out the annotation of these RNAs.

Technical Summary

Genome-wide RNA expression analysis reveals pervasive transcription of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Evidence that these RNAs can control transcription or splicing challenges our views of how the genome functions and how it should be annotated. We recently used 3rd generation sequencing technology, DRS, to directly sequence Arabidopsis RNA 3' ends. As early access users, we made unexpected discoveries in relation to the hidden transcriptome controlled by the exosome and previously unannotated ncRNAs that map upstream of the 5' end of annotated genes. Here we propose to use our expertise in DRS and RNA molecular biology to define the nature and functions of the non-coding Arabidopsis genome. To reveal the hidden transcriptome we will use DRS to analyze exosome knock-down lines. Then we will use deep sequencing of poly(A) neutral RNAs, together with genome-wide analysis of chromatin marks associated with transcription initiation and elongation, to annotate long non-coding RNAs. Since such RNAs can function as scaffolds in epigenetic repression, we will identify Arabidopsis ncRNAs likely to function in this way by sequencing RNAs associated with Polycomb Repressor Complexes. By genome-wide analysis of chromatin marks of transcription enhancer elements, we will determine whether the novel ncRNAs we identified upstream of annotated gene 5' ends correspond to enhancer RNAs. Finally, our current DRS data revealed multiple issues of misinterpretation of previous expression datasets that can be explained by a huge class of unannotated non-coding snoRNAs. Therefore, in order to prevent the recurrence of such errors, we will provide definitive functional annotation of this large gene family here. This work will have wide-ranging impacts because the application of this leading edge technology to annotate and assign function to the non-coding Arabidopsis genome will also provide a pathfinder model for the annotation of crop plant genomes vital to food and energy security.

Planned Impact

1. Cultural Life. Our work defines a new area of science. This curiosity-led discovery of new knowledge is a feature that the UK public expect of their scientists as GGS experienced when he spoke about non-coding antisense RNAs at a BBSRC organized public engagement event at the Edinburgh International Science Festival in 2010. 2. Agricultural Industry. Our work benefits the development of world agriculture in several distinct ways. First GGS's lab is training a new generation of plant scientists, familiar with working with genetics, making crosses and phenotyping plants. Second, we are training biologists used to working in multi-disciplinary teams, combining the iterative interaction of bench scientists with bioinformaticians. Third, through analysis of huge sequencing datasets we are drawing into plant biology, scientists from mathematical and physics backgrounds, who bring with them quite different skill-sets and insight that can be highly beneficial to understanding plant biology and hence crop science. 3. World Economy. Dundee takes the training of PhD and Post-Doctoral scientists particularly seriously and has a specific department called 'Generic Skills' that delivers 'non-bench' training in, for example, public speaking and public engagement. Dundee provides a highly international working environment with staff from over 50 different nationalities working in the College of Life Sciences. Dundee also houses the 3rd largest biotech cluster in the UK with an entrepreneurial culture of spin-out companies from Life Sciences. Together, these aspects of research life in Dundee provide rounded, highly skilled and educated employees to the international work-force. For example, among recent alumni from GGS's lab who came to Dundee from overseas, C. Hornyik has gone on to hold a P.I. position in crop science in the UK and L. Terzi a managerial position in a Swiss pharmaceutical company. 4. Society Through Public Engagement. This proposal relates to fundamental understanding of plant genome organization. The GM controversy highlights the importance of public understanding and support for the research we do. GGS became responsible for Dundee Plant Sciences impact activities in 2010 and since then the Division has developed links with Dundee's Botanic Garden and a hands-on DNA extraction activity to communicate information about plants having genes. This has involved all members of GGS's lab and most members (83%) of the Division of Plant Sciences in 2010. Further links with the Botanic Garden are planned through the development of exhibitions and a 'Genetics Garden' to the mutual benefit of ourselves and the Garden. In this proposal we specifically describe an 'Arabidopsis Genome Scroller' Installation, to complement a highly successful human genome public engagement display developed by GJB's group. Using this as a centerpiece, we will communicate generic ideas about genetics, genomics and bioinformatics and specifically introduce our research interest in non-coding RNAs to the general public. The work of our groups in public engagement is not unique, but part of the culture of Dundee University College of Life Sciences, supported by a specific University department called 'Revealing Research' and exemplified by our involvement in the current BBSRC 'Excellence with Impact' competition.


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Description We have used new techniques to map where genes of the model plant Arabidopsis end and used that information, in combination with other data types, to show how genome annotation could be improved. We published this work, and recently our RNA sequencing data was used to deliver the first revised annotation of the Arabidopsis genome since 2010, called Araport 11. In addition, our data is now presented as a selectable track on the Araport genome browser. Consequently, our data is used daily by the plant science community to provide crucial information on the genes they study.

We have combined our approach to sequence RNA 3' ends with more conventional RNA-Sequencing. However, in applying this approach we have asked very basic questions about how to analyse these data. The statistical analysis of RNA-sequencing data can reveal changing patterns of gene expression. However, many of the analysis tools developed for this purpose make certain assumptions about these types of data, but few of these assumptions have been tested directly. We used a 48 replicate experiment to test these tools and in a series of publications provided evidence to support recommendations on how best to design such experiments, with valuable controls, replicate number guidelines and information on the false positives scored by different analysis tools. All of our publications in this area have been freely shared using the preprint server Arxiv, and widely discussed in social media where we have actively engaged with scientists at the leading edge of this field. We first applied these tests to a relatively simple yeast experimental system (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and with that experience in hand, then applied it to the more complex gene expression landscape of Arabidopsis. We anticipate that when our Arabidopsis findings are published they will be very valuable to the plant science community.

Having understood RNA-Seq technology and analysis better, we then proceeded to sequence RNA from Arabidopsis mutants defective in RNA decay. In this way we have revealed aspects of what can be called the hidden transcriptome and hence revealed RNAs not previously annotated. We used strand-specific RNA-sequencing with high replicate number, giving us a depth of RNA-Sequencing information greater than any that has yet been published. Our experience in this area has led us into several international collaborations with experts on RNA decay (Joannna Kufel, Warsaw; Dominique Gagliardi, Strasbourg; Artur Jarmolowski and Zofia Szweykowska-Kulinska, Poznan).

Finally, our method development continues and we have been developing new approaches to sequence RNA to understand how plant genomes are expressed. For example, we have been developing ways to enrich for specific RNAs and to sequence entire RNA molecules.
Exploitation Route 1. The recommendations we made for differential gene expression data analysis using RNA-Sequencing will be generally important to anyone using RNA-Seq.

2. Genome annotation. Our so far unpublished work on non-coding RNAs revealed by sequencing Arabidopsis RNA decay mutants at depth will provide valuable material for a future re-annotation of the Arabidopsis genome, and guidelines for those working on other plant species, such as valuable crop plants, how to reveal these hidden aspects of gene expression.

3. We have shared our insight on non-coding RNAs with international collaborators, some of who will focus on the functional characterization of individual RNAs.

4. Finally, we will follow up unanticipated breakthroughs that link RNA decay plant metabolism with applications for funding in this novel area.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Title Our mapped 3' ends added to Araport 
Description We have previously mapped the 3' ends of Arabidopsis RNAs and we have made our own database to share these data. However these data also have great value in determining how the genome should be annotated. We collaborated with the Araport team to share our data. Our work contributed to the re-annotation of the Arabidopsis genome known as Araport 11 released at the end of 2015. The new Arabidopsis genome browser uses our data as a selectable track, so the plant science community can visualise the 3' ends of genes that they are interested in. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Its notable that these data contributed to the reannotation of the Arabidopsis genome: Araport 11 
Title polyAdb 
Description A database of single molecule direct RNA sequencing data that maps the site of polyadenylation on RNA. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We commissioned an animation to explain the database, revealing the many ways we have tried to make the data accessible to different communities. The Sequencing company SeqLL provide a link to the database from their commercial website. 
Title Relative Abundance of Transcripts (RATS) 
Description Relative Abundance of Transcripts (rats) Description Who it is for Anyone working in transcriptomics, analysing gene expression and transcript abundances. What it does It provides a method to detect changes in the abundance ratios of transcript isoforms of a gene. This is called Differential Transcript Usage (DTU). RATs is workflow-agnostic. Quantification quality details are left to the quantification tools; RATs uses only the transcript abundances, which you can obtain using any tool you like. This makes it suitable for use with alignment-free quantification tools like Kallisto or Salmon. RATs is able to take advantage of the bootstrapped quantifications provided by the alignment-free tools. These bootstrapped data are used by RATs to assess how much the technical variability of the heuristic quantifications affects differential transcript usage and thus provide a measure of confidence in the DTU calls. What it needs This is an R source package, and will run on any platform with a reasonably up-to-date R environment. A few third-party R packages are also required (see below). As input, RATs requires transcript abundance estimates with or without bootstrapping. The format either way is tables with the samples as columns and the transcripts as rows. An extra column holds the transcript IDs. Some functionality to create these from Salmon or Kallisto quantification files is provided by RATs. RATs also requires a look-up table matching the transcript identifiers to the respective gene identifiers. This can be obtained through various means, one of them being extracting this info from a GTF file using functionality provided by RATs. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact RATS allows transcript abundance to be estimated from short read (Illumina) data. It is unique in providing a confidence estimate for such analyses. 
Title Relative Abundance of Transcripts (rats) 
Description Description Who it is for Anyone working in transcriptomics, analysing gene expression and transcript abundances. What it does It provides a method to detect changes in the abundance ratios of transcript isoforms of a gene. This is called Differential Transcript Usage (DTU). RATs is workflow-agnostic. Quantification quality details are left to the quantification tools; RATs uses only the transcript abundances, which you can obtain using any tool you like. This makes it suitable for use with alignment-free quantification tools like Kallisto or Salmon. RATs is able to take advantage of the bootstrapped quantifications provided by the alignment-free tools. These bootstrapped data are used by RATs to assess how much the technical variability of the heuristic quantifications affects differential transcript usage and thus provide a measure of confidence in the DTU calls. What it needs This is an R source package, and will run on any platform with a reasonably up-to-date R environment. A few third-party R packages are also required (see below). As input, RATs requires transcript abundance estimates with or without bootstrapping. The format either way is tables with the samples as columns and the transcripts as rows. An extra column holds the transcript IDs. Some functionality to create these from Salmon or Kallisto quantification files is provided by RATs. RATs also requires a look-up table matching the transcript identifiers to the respective gene identifiers. This can be obtained through various means, one of them being extracting this info from a GTF file using functionality provided by RATs. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2018 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This allows the analysis of alternative transcripts from RNA-seq data and has been used by a number of groups in their research. 
Title RoSA 
Description RoSA: a tool for the Removal of Spurious Antisense In stranded RNA-Seq experiments we have the opportunity to detect and measure antisense transcription, important since antisense transcripts impact gene transcription in several different ways. Stranded RNA-Seq determines the strand from which an RNA fragment originates, and so can be used to identify where antisense transcription may be implicated in gene regulation. However, spurious antisense reads are often present in experiments, and can manifest at levels greater than 1% of sense transcript levels. This is enough to disrupt analyses by causing false antisense counts to dominate the set of genes with high antisense transcription levels. The RoSA (Removal of Spurious Antisense) tool detects the presence of high levels of spurious antisense transcripts, by: analysing ERCC spike-in data to find the ratio of antisense:sense transcripts in the spike-ins; or using antisense and sense counts around splice sites to provide a set of gene-specific estimates; or both. Once RoSA has an estimate of the spurious antisense, expressed as a ratio of antisense:sense counts, RoSA will calculate a correction to the antisense counts based on the ratio. Where a gene-specific estimate is available for a gene, it will be used in preference to the global estimate obtained from either spike-ins or spliced reads. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This tool has improved the ability to interpret RNA-seq data for antisense analysis. 
Title RoSA: a tool for the Removal of Spurious Antisense 
Description In stranded RNA-Seq experiments we have the opportunity to detect and measure antisense transcription, important since antisense transcripts impact gene transcription in several different ways. Stranded RNA-Seq determines the strand from which an RNA fragment originates, and so can be used to identify where antisense transcription may be implicated in gene regulation. However, spurious antisense reads are often present in experiments, and can manifest at levels greater than 1% of sense transcript levels. This is enough to disrupt analyses by causing false antisense counts to dominate the set of genes with high antisense transcription levels. The RoSA (Removal of Spurious Antisense) tool detects the presence of high levels of spurious antisense transcripts, by: analysing ERCC spike-in data to find the ratio of antisense:sense transcripts in the spike-ins; or using antisense and sense counts around splice sites to provide a set of gene-specific estimates; or both. Once RoSA has an estimate of the spurious antisense, expressed as a ratio of antisense:sense counts, RoSA will calculate a correction to the antisense counts based on the ratio. Where a gene-specific estimate is available for a gene, it will be used in preference to the global estimate obtained from either spike-ins or spliced reads. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact It has enabled a number of groups to identify spurious antisesnse in their RNA-seq data. 
Title profDGE48 - Code base for profiling highly replicated differential gene expression RNA-seq 
Description profDGE48 is the code that has been used to understand the relationship between replication and power in RNA-seq analysis. The code also allows the comparison of different methods of calling differential gene expression (DGE) by RNA-seq. This code was central to the high-impact work on RNA-seq published in the journal RNA (Schurch et al). 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The software enabled work on RNA-seq to be completed and underpins our understanding of the technique for experimental design decisions made in this grant and all subsequence Simpson/Barton collaborative grants. The principles set out by the software have been widely adopted by the academic community. 
Title profDGE48 (2016 Update) - Code base for profiling highly replicated differential gene expression RNA-seq 
Description profDGE48 is the code that has been used to understand the relationship between replication and power in RNA-seq analysis. The code also allows the comparison of different methods of calling differential gene expression (DGE) by RNA-seq. This code was central to the high-impact work on RNA-seq published in the journal RNA (Schurch et al). This version includes bug fixes and updates to the work from 2015. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The software enabled work on RNA-seq to be completed and underpins our understanding of the technique for experimental design decisions made in this grant and all subsequence Simpson/Barton collaborative grants. The principles set out by the software have been widely adopted by the academic community. 
Description Dec 2016 Oxford: Seminar at WTCHG/SGC: Identification of novel functional sites in protein domains from the analysis of human variation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was an invited seminar at the Oxford SGC and WTCHG institutes in the Department of Medicine. The seminar described work that covered most of our funded research activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Dundee Botanic Garden Endowment Trust Launch 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This activity and the associated publicity drew lots of people to the Garden (more than 750). Our DNA extraction activity was a huge draw. The large numbers contributed to the fund raising effort of the Endowment Trust. The huge popularity of our DNA extraction activity raised the profile of plant science and provided valuable opportunities for our scientists to engage with the public.

Further meetings between Dundee City Council, Dundee University Botanic Garden and other invited guests at the Endowment Trust Launch has led to meetings for further collaborations to deliver plant science impact in the Dundee region.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Fascination o fPlants Day - "Plant Power" Dundee Botanic Garden 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We host scientific engagement activities run by scientists in the Division of Plant Sciences. In recent years we have invited staff from The James Hutton Institute to be involved. We have a day of activities, but in addition, we have long lasting displays that include a "Genetics Garden" where we have planted barley mutant along a chromosome, wild ancestors and modern day cultivated varieties of barley, Mendel's original pea mutants. The garden and associated information boards are visible for most of the year. The garden is funded in part by my BBSRC grants. The Garden itself has been profiled on BBC Scotland. The Botanic garden receives 80,000 visitors per year, and the open day activities attract between 650-1500 people per event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017
Description Feb 2017: Seattle: What can human variation tell us about protein structure? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was an invited talk at the genevariation3d workshop at the Institute of Systems Biology which brought together scientists from the genomics/personalised medicine field and the field of protein structure analysis. I presented on our work at this interface that is built on Jalview and the Dundee Resource and inspired by our research in plant biology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Genetics Garden 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact As part of the pathways to Impact of this proposal we said we would work together with Dundee University Botanic Garden to develop a "Genetics Garden" for public engagement. With funding from Dundee University College of Life Sciences BBSRC Excellence with Impact award we have developed this garden. THis was opened to the public on 27th June 2013.

I developed a Genetics Garden as a hub for Plant Sciences Public Engagement Activity (which I lead). Since its creation in 2013 we have directly en

no actual impacts realised to date
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013,2014,2015
Description Mar 2017: Seminar at Newcastle University: Identification of novel functional sites in protein domains from the analysis of human variation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was an invited seminar to the Centre for Health and Bioinformatics at Newcastle University. I presented work at the interface between genomics/transcriptomics and protein structure which relied heavily on the software tools we develop and other resources.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Nov 2016: Talk by Kimon Froussios at RNA Discussion Meeting, James Hutton Institute 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was a talk on techniques developed in our group for the analysis of transcript abundance in Arabidopsis and other species. A short talk was given presenting a new computational tool to an audience composed of researchers most likely to use such tools. Discussions ensued with regards to its capabilities and comparison to existing similar tools.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Oct 2016 Poster: GRE Symposium: with Kimon Froussios: Transcript isoform switching in RNA-seq data 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Poster describing techniques developed to analyse isoform switching in Arabidopsis and other complex Eukaryotes.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Plant Power 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact 1. I think this has become an important community event. I think it places the science we do and the scientist who do it in the public eye of the community they live and work in.
2. Staff (of all levels) in Plant Sciences are trained in public engagement and get first hand experience of engaging with the public about the science they do, talking about genes and crop plant research.

We have developed this into an annual event - switching the timing to associate it with Fascination of Plants Day. It brings a large number of people to the garden. It is now seen as a regular community event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Presentation to Central South University, Changsha, China 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I gave a talk about our recent research to a mixed audience of scientists and students at CSU, Changsha.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Seminar at Garvan Institute, Sydney, Australia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presented recent research work to staff at the Garvan Institute and others in the region.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Seminar at Newcastle University, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presented recent research from my group to Research Group Leaders, Postdocs, Ph.D. Students, Undergraduates.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Seminar at Sydney University, Australia 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation about my group's research to the University of Sydney.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Seminar at Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Seminar describing wide range of research from my group.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Seminar to Free Univesrity of Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presented recent research from my group to Research Group Leaders, Postdocs, Ph.D. Students, Undergraduates.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Sept 2015: Invited Seminar at TGAC, Norwich 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I presented a broad range of our research at an invited seminar at The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) now, the Earlham Institute.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015