Licensing Transcription Activator Activity with Ubiquitin Time Clocks

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Biological Sciences


Cells of complex higher organisms rely on information contained in their DNA genomes to provide instructions for development and how to respond to changes in their environment. The majority of information in the cell's genome is stored in genes that can be accessed by reading them, resulting in so-called gene expression. Gene expression is fine-tuned by the action of many different factors, amongst which activator proteins play a pivotal role. Activators exhibit potent activity that recruits all the other necessary factors for the expression of their target genes. They are therefore indispensable for accessing the information contained in genes but at the same time their strong activity poses a serious threat, as excessive gene expression can lead to genome instability and mutation. Accordingly, failure to correctly regulate the activity of activators often has catastrophic pathological consequences for an organism, including cancer cell formation, hormone imbalance, and either autoimmunity or low immune function.

Despite the serious penalties associated with activator dysfunction, little is understood about how cells regulate their activity. Recently, data from our lab and others showed that many potent activators are unstable proteins because they are fused with chains of the small protein ubiquitin, a signal for activator degradation. From these data it has been hypothesized that cells provide activators with a limited license for activity and when this license expires the activator is degraded. While this is an attractive mechanism for keeping activators in check, the molecular identity of this license and the length of its validity remain elusive. Our latest genetic experiments suggest that we are now able to trap activators in their fully licensed states by mutating enzymes that potentially modify the length of ubiquitin chains fused to activators. Here we will investigate these enzymes in detail as they point to ubiquitin chain length being an adjustable time clock for activator activity. Using genetic, genomic, and biochemical tools we will identify all ubiquitin chain modifying enzymes involved in this process and assess their role in licensing activator activity. Unravelling the mechanisms by which activator activity is fine-tuned will provide deep insight into how higher organisms -from humans to plants- regulate access to information contained within their genomes. Such fundamental knowledge offers the foundation for designing new medicines or therapies to tackle a range of human diseases and for modernizing agriculture with novel crop protection strategies.

Technical Summary

Gene expression plays a pivotal role in the development of eukaryotic cells and their response to the environment. Failure to precisely program cellular gene expression often has pathological or deleterious consequences. Expression of most genes is initiated by the concerted action of transcription activators and coactivators that exhibit potent intrinsic activities to recruit RNA Polymerase II. While necessary for gene expression, this potent transcriptional activity poses a threat to the cell, as excessive gene transcription may lead to genome instability. Therefore, eukaryotic cells tightly control the deployment of (co)activator activities, but how this is achieved is largely unknown. Surprisingly, degradation of many (co)activators by the ubiquitin-mediated proteasome (UPS) is necessary for the activation of their target genes, indicating that in these cases transcription requires continuous delivery of fresh (co)activator to gene promoters. However, it remains unknown why this seemingly wasteful mechanism is used by the eukaryotic cell. In recent genetic and biochemical experiments we found that knocking out ubiquitin chain elongating E4 enzymes (UBE4) may trap (co)activators in their active states and render transcription of their target genes UPS independent. For the first time these data strongly support a model in which ubiquitination initially boost (co)activator activity before transitioning into a signal for UPS-mediated degradation, thereby averting excessive transcription initiation. To investigate this potential ubiquitin time clock for the licensing of (co)activator activity, we propose to identify and characterize further UBE4s and their counterparts, deubiquitinases (DUB). Using genetic, genomic, and advanced biochemical approaches we aim to map the opposing actions of UBE4s and DUBs to the transcriptome, and provide a direct biochemical link between the remodelling of ubiquitin chain length and transcriptional activity of unstable (co)activators.

Planned Impact

The proposed research will have far reaching impacts for a variety of sectors and the wider public. Understanding the mechanisms by which gene transcription is activated in plants is essential to agricultural developments. Human activities increasingly impose constraints on agriculture and threaten future food security. These constraints result in crops having to face a multitude of abiotic and biotic stresses. Resistance or tolerance against these stressors is provided by reprogramming of the transcriptome to prioritize stress defences over normal cellular functions. Consequently, crops either engage in a lengthy and costly battle against disease or succumb under disease pressure, both of which cases results in severely reduced crop yield. Indeed, a reduction in marketable crop yields cost the UK and global economies billions every year and still renders much of agriculture subsidized. A greater understanding of the mechanisms that control specific gene transcription programs to cope with stresses will offer academic scientists and the commercial private sectors novel avenues for exploration of methods to significantly increase crop yields under human-imposed agricultural constraints. Increasing yields is not just desirable but a necessity for a rapidly growing population that demands food security, while avoiding increases in food prices as experienced in recent times. Moreover, our proposed research will offer indications how to directly engineer and improve the plant's existing defence mechanisms. This is a particularly attractive approach, because it meets the sustainable standards that are now appropriately demanded for agriculture by both policy makers and the public. Indeed, timely enhancement of the plant's own defences to optimize crop yields avoids the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides that may pose significant hazards to local biodiversity and even public health.

Our work and that of others show that the fundamental principles that underpin transcription initiation are strongly conserved within the eukaryotic domain. Indeed, a fundamentally similar mechanism of transcription initiation further explored in this proposal is thought to be utilized by pivotal transcription activators in humans, including the estrogen receptor and the oncoproteins c-Myc and SRC-3. This indicates that the impact of our findings will cross over into biomedical research advances, particularly those related to research into different types of cancer and disorders caused by hormone imbalance. The direct beneficiaries of this will be located in both the biomedical academic community and the private commercial pharmaceutical sector, while ultimately the design of new medicines and therapies will improve quality of life and promote healthy aging of the wider public.


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Description Cells of complex higher organisms rely on information contained in their DNA genomes to provide instructions for development and how to respond to changes in their environment. The majority of information in the cell's genome is stored in genes that can be accessed by reading them, resulting in so-called gene expression. Gene expression is fine-tuned by the action of many different factors, amongst which activator proteins play a pivotal role. Activators exhibit potent activity that recruits all the other necessary factors for the expression of their target genes. They are therefore indispensable for accessing the information contained in DNA but at the same time their strong activity poses a serious threat, as excessive gene expression can lead to genome instability and mutation. Accordingly, failure to correctly regulate the activity of activators often has catastrophic pathological consequences for living organisms, including cancer cell formation, hormone imbalance, and either autoimmunity or low immune function.

Despite the serious penalties associated with activator dysfunction, little is understood about how cells regulate their activity. Recently, data from our lab and others showed that many potent activators are unstable proteins because they are fused with chains of the small protein ubiquitin, a signal for activator degradation. From these data it has been hypothesized that cells provide activators with a limited license for activity and when this license expires the activator is degraded. While this is an attractive mechanism for keeping activators in check, the molecular identity of this license and the length of its validity remain elusive.

Methods developed on this grant suggest that we can trap activators in their fully licensed states by mutating enzymes that modify ubiquitin chains fused to activators. We have identified several potential ubiquitin modifying enzymes in both yeast and plants. Mutation of one of these enzymes in plants not only improved the stability of the master plant immune activator, NPR1, it also promoted NPR1's ability to bind to the DNA of its target genes where it was highly active. In contrast, mutation of another potential candidate enzyme resulted in complete loss of immune gene expression and disease resistance. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of enzymes that remove ubiquitin chains indicated that these enzymes are indispensable for plant immune gene expression. These results suggest that the ubiquitin chain itself is used by cells as a flexible license to control the activity of gene activators.

Expanding these findings further could impact our understanding of many diseases in plants, animals, and humans.
Exploitation Route Unravelling the mechanisms by which activator activity is fine-tuned will provide deep insight into how higher organisms -from humans to plants- regulate access to information contained within their genomes. Such fundamental knowledge offers the foundation for designing new medicines or therapies to tackle a range of human diseases and for modernizing agriculture with novel crop protection strategies.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description Findings are expected to (1) impact crop protection strategies in agriculture, and (2)provide new fundamental insights into the control of gene expression in healthy and diseased individuals, which will be of interest to the healthcare industry. Indeed,current findings are already being discussed with the agribusiness Bayer CropScience to explore translational strategies and future commercialization.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Healthcare
Impact Types Economic

Description ERC Starting Grant
Amount € 1,499,960 (EUR)
Funding ID 678511 
Organisation European Research Council (ERC) 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 03/2016 
End 02/2021
Description Mary Kinross Seedcorn Fund for Epigenetics
Amount £7,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Edinburgh 
Department School of Biological Sciences
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2014 
End 04/2015
Description Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme
Amount £12,000 (GBP)
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 02/2020
Description Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme
Amount £12,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EDI003 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2015 
End 12/2016
Description Royal Society University Research Fellowship
Amount £568,417 (GBP)
Funding ID Uf090321 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2010 
End 09/2015
Description Royal Society University Research Fellowship - Renewal
Amount £364,445 (GBP)
Funding ID UF140600 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2015 
End 09/2018
Description Training Grant, Industrial CASE CSV
Amount £94,126 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/M503216/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2014 
End 11/2017
Title Assaying proteasome-associated ubiquitin ligase activity 
Description The methodology describes an easy method to assay the ubiquitin ligase activity associated with the proteasome. It involves the immunopurification of proteasomes from cell lysates, followed by incubation with standard ubiquitin pathway enzymes (i.e. E1 and E2). 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This methodology provides a simple method to assay proteasome-associated ubiquitin ligase activity, allowing exploration of this unusual activity. 
Title Characterising Plant Deubiquitinases with in vitro Activity-based Labelling and Ubiquitin Chain Disassembly Assays 
Description Post-translational modification of proteins by ubiquitin is an essential cellular signaling mechanism in all eukaryotes. Ubiquitin is removed from target proteins by a wide range of deubiquitinase (DUB) enzymes with different activities and substrate specificities. Understanding how DUBs function in vitro is a vital first step to uncovering their cellular roles. Here, we provide protocols for the rapid analysis of DUB activity in vitro by activity-based labelling with the suicide probe, HA-ubiquitin vinyl sulfone (HA-UbVS), and ubiquitin chain disassembly assays. We have previously used these methods to analyse the activity of the Arabidopsis thaliana DUB, UBP6, but in principle, these protocols are applicable to any DUB of interest. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The technology provides a rapid analytical tool for assessing DUB activity in plants via two different methods. This enables academic and industrial researchers to assess the activities of many different DUBs that are associated with diverse environmental stimuli. 
Title E-MTAB-7369 - Salicylic acid-induced gene expression in wild-type Col-0 and mutant ube4 Arabidopsis thaliana plants 
Description Activation of plant immunity is associated with dramatic transcriptome reprogramming to prioritise immune responses over normal cellular functions. Changes in gene expression are coordinated by the immune hormone salicylic acid (SA). Here we investigated the involvement of the E4 ubiquitin ligase UBE4/MUSE3 in SA-induced transcriptional reprogramming. We show that loss of UBE4 function results in amplified expression of SA-induced, NPR1-dependent gene expression. Twelve-day old Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings of wild-type Col-0, mutant ube4 (SAIL_713_A12) and mutant npr1-1 genotypes were grown on MS media supplemented with 1X Gamborg vitamins in an environmental chamber with 16/8 hour day/night light regime (120 mol m-2 s-1 light intensity) and 22 degrees Celcius. Seedlings were then transferred to 6-well plates and immersed in 10 ml of 0.5 mM SA or water. After 12 hours seedlings were harvested and for each treatment ~50 seedlings were pooled together into a single biological repeat. In total two independent biological repeats were collected. After harvesting seedlings were briefly dried on tissue and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen until further analysis. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact N/A 
Title E-MTAB-7374 - Salicylic acid-induced gene expression in wild-type Col-0 and mutant upl3-4 Arabidopsis thaliana plants 
Description Activation of plant immunity is associated with dramatic transcriptome reprogramming to prioritise immune responses over normal cellular functions. Changes in gene expression are coordinated by the immune hormone salicylic acid (SA). Here we investigated the involvement of the HECT-type ligase Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 3 (UPL3) in SA-induced transcriptional reprogramming. We show that UPL3 acts as an amplifier of SA-induced changes in gene expression. Four-week old Arabidopsis thaliana plants of wild-type Col-0 and mutant upl3-4 genotypes were germinated on soil in 100% relative humidity. After 12 days plants were transplanted to larger pots (six plants per pot) and grown for an additional 3 weeks before experimental treatment. Plants were continuously grown in an environmental chamber with 16/8 hour day/night light regime (120 mol m-2 s-1 light intensity), 21/18 degrees celcius day/night cycle and 65% relative humidity. Plants were then sprayed with water or 0.5 mM SA until all leaves were thoroughly covered with fine droplets. After 24 hours leaf tissue was harvested from 6 plants per treatment and pooled together into a single biological repeat. In total two or three independent biological repeats were collected. After harvesting leaf tissue was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen until further analysis. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact N/A 
Description Partnership with the University of Nagoya 
Organisation Nagoya University
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Universities of Edinburgh and Nagoya have launched a new Joint Degree Programme to foster international collaboration and to enhance the personal and career development of PhD students in the life sciences. A formal opening symposium was held at Nagoya University in Japan where representatives of both universities outlined the programme and how it will benefit PhD students. Participants are expected to gain significantly enhanced career and personal development skills as well as lasting international connections. The University of Edinburgh was represented by Dr. Steven Spoel (Postgraduate Advisor, School of Biological Sciences), Prof. Eleanor Campbell (School of Chemistry) and Prof. Steve Playfer (School of Physics), each outlining the current and future activities of their respective Schools. Speakers from Nagoya University included University President Seiichi Matsuo, Prof. Matsumoto (Dean of Graduate School of Science) and Trustee Dr. Kunieda. The symposium also featured speeches by representatives of the British Council and the Japanese Ministry of Education (Mext). A Joint PhD Degree Programme was already established in October of last year between the Biological Sciences departments of both universities when a dedicated symposium was held at the University of Edinburgh. The current symposium in Nagoya therefore expands this opportunity across the sciences. PhD students participating in the programme can take advantage of existing and newly formed collaborative efforts between both universities. To qualify for the joint PhD degree students are expected to spend a minimum of 6-12 months away from their home university. Students will have both a Edinburgh- and Nagoya-based supervisor, providing them with access to interdisciplinary and varied expertise as well as technologies not available at their home university. The first PhD student to join the programme is Ms. Cao Yuan who is currently in the laboratory of Prof. Yasuomi Tada at Nagoya University. Ms. Cao will spend time in the Edinburgh-based laboratory of Dr. Steven Spoel to understand the effect of immune responses on arresting growth and development in plants. Prof. Tada and Dr. Spoel already have a bilateral travel collaboration in place funded by an International Exchanges grant from The Royal Society.
Collaborator Contribution The Universities of Nagoya and Edinburgh worked together closely to establish links between research programmes, which was subsequently expanded to a joint degree programme.
Impact - joint PhD degree programme - publication: Furniss et al. (2018) PLoS Pathogens
Start Year 2016
Description "No deal" is a bad deal for science - Factsheet for MPs published by the Royal Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Dr. Steven Spoel worked with The Royal Society to produce a Brexit no-deal factsheet. The data indicate that if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, it will impact on scientific research immediately and could take years to recover from. The factsheet explains why leaving the EU with "no-deal" is detrimental to science. It was disseminated to MPs in Westminster ahead of crucial Brexit discussions and was subsequently widely advertised through websites and social media.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Cell Scientists to Watch - Steven Spoel 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Interview with Dr. Steven Spoel about the past, current and future directions of his research and how this may impact society.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Edinburgh International Science Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Spoel Research Group participated in the 2015 Edinburgh International Science Festival. Group members ran activies in the Bio-Discoveries lab from 4-8 April 2015 in the National Museum of Scotland. Parents and childeren had the opportunity to get hands-on, make exciting discoveries under the microscope, and learn about the latest disoveries in plant science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description GARNet Report on UK plant science funding 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Supporters
Results and Impact GARNet, a network that supports the fundamental UK plant science community and ensures its future competitiveness, publishes a report on BBSRC funding for plant science. The report brings to light unexpected funding trends that led GARNet to make recommendations to the BBSRC and the community.

GARNet is a BBSRC-funded community network that acts as an advocate and supporter of plant science research in the UK and worldwide. The network has existed for over 18 years. GARNet is overseen by an advisory committee of twelve UK academic plant scientists who are elected by their peers. Currently the advisory committee is chaired by Dr. Steven Spoel.

GARNet is a respected voice for academic plant scientists in the UK, particularly those involved in the type of fundamental frontiers bioscience research that underpins future translation of knowledge into crop species. Its primary goal is to ensure that the plant science community remains competitive and productive at the national and international level.

In response to community concerns over reduced availability of funding for fundamental plant science, GARNet set out to investigate if these concerns are fact or fiction. Uncovering research funding patterns is a complex task that requires intimate knowledge of how the plant science community approaches grant funding and how funders assess grant applications. Therefore GARNet teamed up with the BBSRC, the predominant funder of fundamental, translational and applied plant science, and performed an in depth analyses of plant science funding. In a new report titled 'Supporting Basic Plant Science' GARNet and the BBSRC uncovered some surprising trends.

The report finds that indeed there has a decline in the number of funded fundamental plant science grants, but that the reasons for this decline are more complex than anticipated. For example, the number of submitted grants involving fundamental plant science has declined at a faster rate than the reduction in funded grants of this type. Moreover, a simultaneous decrease in plant science grant applications of any type (i.e. fundamental, translational or applied) was identified. As the size of the fundamental and overall plant science communities in the UK has not significantly changed in recent years, these are worrying trends that GARNet wants to address immediately. Therefore GARNet makes several recommendations to the community and to the BBSRC that may help reverse this trend sooner rather than later.

GARNet's work with the BBSRC also revealed that the plant science community and the BBSRC do not always speak the same language. For example, the meaning of research "Impact" often differs between the daily usage in universities and institutes on the one hand, and how this term is defined by funding agencies. In GARNet's biannual newsletter GARNish, BBSRC Strategy and Policy Officer for Frontier Biosciences, Rocio Gaudioso-Pedraza, contributes an article to explain how BBSRC interprets "Impact". This article clearly illustrates there is plenty of room for all types of plant science to make an impact, including fundamental research in model plants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Royal Society international mobility study 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Royal Society published its research on international mobility, providing an understanding of how, where and why researchers move to and from the UK. Dr. Steven Spoel provided his personal perspective on international mobility in one of ten case studies.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Royal Society's In Verba blog: "Feeding the world" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In an article by Elizabeth Bohm, Senior Policy Advisor for The Royal Society, Dr. Steven Spoel discusses how the work in his group relates to the current food security challenge of producing sufficient amounts of food sustainably.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description The Scientist publishes article on the importance of international collaborations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Magazine The Scientist published an article about how many scientists are concerned about future international collaboration. In an interview with Dr. Abby Olena, a science writer, Dr.Steven Spoel and other scientists provided their personal views on international collaboration and mobility.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017