Bridging the Gap between Mathematics, ICT and Engineering Research at Sheffield

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Electronic and Electrical Engineering


This proposal is concerned with further enhancing collaboration between researchers engaged in Engineering, Mathematics and Information and Communications Technologies. It particularly addresses those areas of research which sit astride the boundaries between these disciplines and those in which modelling and analysis have developed in a rather insular fashion. The proposed research activities are focussed on four themes: Uncertainty, Data and performance analysis, Design validation and Multi-physics and multi-scale modelling. These themes have been selected as being those in which there are identified logjams and deficiencies in current research practice for which greater collaborations between disciplines could have a major impact. They also map onto to established discipline strengths of The University of Sheffield. In order to initiate and sustain research collaboration both within these four themes and between themes, a number of different mechanisms will be employed, each of which is targeted at addressing recognised barriers to collaborative research. These include short-term secondments to other Departments, pump-priming awards, flagship theme projects, themed seminars and retreats, mechanisms for engaging and furthering collaboration with industry, conference grants for non-specialists and visiting scholars.


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