Automating Representation Choice for AI Tools

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Computer Science and Technology


AI engines are ubiquitous in our lives: we talk to our mobile phones, ask directions from our sat-navs, and learn new facts and skills with our digital personal assistants. But most of the time, we need to learn how these systems work first: we have to adapt to them as they are not aware of our level of experience, expertise and preferences. AI engines are fast and can deal with a deluge of data much better than us, but they do so in machine-oriented ways, which are often inaccessible and unintelligible to humans. How can we build machines that will adapt to us?

The aim of this project is to identify and study how humans represent information that they want to work with and from which they will obtain new knowledge. Humans have the capability to choose the representation that works for them to enable them to solve a new problem, and moreover, if the representation needs to be changed, they can spot this and change it. Unlike humans, machines in general have fixed representations and do not have the understanding of the user. For example, sat-nav systems will only give directions with elementary spatial commands or route planning functions, whereas humans give directions in many forms, for instance in terms of landmarks or other geographic features that are based on shared knowledge.

We want to model in computational systems this inherently human ability to choose or change appropriate representations, and make machines do the same. We want to find out what are the cognitive processes that humans use to select representations, what criteria they use to choose them, how we can model this ability on machines, and thus how to engineer systems that will select effective representation to enhance people's problem solving and learning.

This is a grand challenge, because it must marry human with machine capabilities. Our previous EPSRC funded feasibility project brought together an interdisciplinary team to combine expertise in computer science on automated reasoning with diagrammatic representations (Jamnik, Cambridge) with expertise in cognitive science on human problem solving and learning with representations (Cheng, Sussex). This interdisciplinary approach has been critical to the success of the feasibility project.

We previously showed that when humans choose a representation of a problem, they use cognitive and formal properties of the problem and its representation to make their choice. In this project, we build on and generalise this hypothesis and demonstrate its utility by building a mathematics tutor that intelligently picks good representations according to the skill level of different learners. We have the following goals:

1. Develop representation selection theory based on the formalisation of formal and cognitive properties.

2. Develop a cognitive theory to assess the efficacy of alternative representations and methods for selecting representations suited to the competencies of individual users.

3. Devise computational algorithms (software) that mechanise the right choice of representation based on the theoretical foundations.

4. Develop and test the algorithms on a range of domains to demonstrate the scalability and generality of the approach.

5. Build an AI tutoring system that implements automated and personalised representation choice based on the user's level of expertise and experience.

6. Empirically evaluate the capability of the tutoring system to select beneficial representations for supporting problem solving.

Our work is novel in that it will address the problem of appropriate representation choice. Moreover, we will build novel cognitive theories and computational models that will allow AI systems to operate in more human-like ways and adapt to the requirements of the problem and the needs of the user. Thus, the potential impact will span numerous domains where systems interact with humans to represent information and use it for extracting new knowledge.

Planned Impact

"Automating Representation Choice for AI Tools" is an ambitious project where we want to find out how humans choose and also change representation during problem solving. We want to develop engines that will give machines the same capability. Such machines will accrue many of the benefits that humans obtain from changing representation, including: more effective communication with a human by selecting a representation that is well-suited to their level of familiarity with the topic; better understanding of a human by identifying and adopting the representation that the human favours; and greater flexibility in adapting to the needs of the user. As such, the project will have economic, societal and knowledge impact.

The impact of this work will be wide as AI systems are becoming ubiquitous. When interacting and exchanging information with humans, developers of such products need to represent information in human understandable ways. We will devise techniques that will help developers of AI systems to build products that choose representations appropriate for their users -- and thus have potential economic benefit to them.

Making machines more human accessible will also benefit the society at large as it will potentially bring technical tools to those that are less technically versed.

We have already outlined how our work will contribute to the expansion of knowledge in Academic Beneficiaries. The techniques we will develop are novel and will provide a scientific advance in all areas (in academia and in industry) that must represent information for solving problems, reasoning, etc.

Whilst we focus on education as our initial concrete application target, our contributions will be general and could apply across different domains. They will lead to better understanding of representations and their relation to human expertise and preferences. As intelligent tools make part of our everyday life, we will all benefit from having more human-like systems that adapt to us, rather than us adapting to them.

Artificial Intelligence is a research area for growth by the EPSRC. The capability to select and adapt representations to suit human needs will provide a novel foundational capability for AI. The EPSRC funded Human-Like Computing (HLC) network recognises the importance of representation selection; the first of the cognitive science challenges in the network's strategy roadmap ( asks: "How do we create systems that create and revise their mental representations to fit the problem being addressed?" As a recognition of the importance and the potential impact of our work, the HLC network of interdisciplinary experts fully endorse this project (see Other Attachments).

To achieve maximum impact, we will follow a comprehensive dissemination strategy. We will publish our results in all relevant communities (e.g., artificial intelligence, cognitive science, automated reasoning, diagrams, knowledge representation, human-computer interaction, information visualisation, education) to achieve wide dissemination. We will demonstrate our work by organising a workshop and preparing tutoring material aimed at academic as well as more specific industrial communities. This will also provide a community building opportunity for people interested in representations and more generally, human-like computing. We will continue to participate at outreach activities to raise the awareness of the importance of human-like computing. We will create a web repository to enable free and public access to our papers, corpus of problems and their solutions, software and tutorials. Finally, we have enlisted an Advisory Board of experts spanning all areas relevant to this project, and coming from academia, education and industry - their advice will help us stay focused on relevant problems, influence diverse communities that they lead, and transfer our technology widely.
Description Outcome:
* Representational Systems Theory (RST): a general theory about the structure of representations and the relations between representations across representational systems.

* Oruga is an implementation of the main concepts of RST

* Cognitive Properties of Representations: a theoretical framework designed to organise and identify key processes (properties) that affect cognitive load when individuals use representations.

* RIST, RISN and RISE: tools for building models of Representation Interpretive Structure Theory (RIST).
Exploitation Route Research into the nature of representations can be furthered from the informational and cognitive perspectives. Educators, designers and anybody creating AI systems can use our technology to personalised the way they communicate with their audience.
Sectors Education

Description Below is the description of the outcomes of this project and how they can be used. Representational Systems Theory (RST) is a general theory about the structure of representations and the relations between representations across representational systems. It allows us to reason about the structure of representations at a level of abstraction that permits reasoning about diagrams, tables, geometric figures, and all sorts of representations within a single rigorous framework. In particular, the development of RST gave rise to a way of thinking about how the relations and invariants between representational systems can be used to transform representations across representational systems. The concepts and methods of RST were developed at a level of mathematical formality that enabled their implementation into a computational system called Oruga. Oruga is an implementation of the main concepts of RST. It includes type systems, constructor specifications, a graph-theoretic way of encoding the structure of representations, and schemas: a way of encoding invariants across systems. The main functionality of Oruga is the automatic transformation of representations across systems. The method for doing this is structure transfer. This is an inference-based method that exploits schemas to generate the structure of a target representation in relation to a given representation. Oruga contains some methods to estimate the cognitive costs of a given representation, based on a model justified by findings in Cognitive Science. Oruga is the back-end of MaRE (Mathematical Representation Engine), a front-end tool that specifically uses the functionalities of Oruga for generating representations of probability (formal algebraic notation, area diagrams, probability trees and contingency tables). Cognitive Properties of Representations is a theoretical framework designed to organise and identify key processes (properties) that affect cognitive load when individuals use representations. The framework is designed based on theoretical knowledge of human cognition and initial empirical tests conducted during this project. It considers processes that happen at different time levels (from milliseconds to days) and at different representation granularities (from symbols to full representations). The framework has been used in Oruga to support the selection of representations based on users' knowledge of the representations. Further, relevant properties' cognitive costs are also displayed in MaRE to support end-users (e.g., educators) make informed decisions on what and in what order to re-represent given a problem and given a specific user profile. RIST, RISN and RISE. The Representation Interpretive Structure Theory (RIST) is a theory that allows modelling of memory structures (schemas) that humans build when interpreting representations and representational systems. It proposes that schemas not only hold information about the concept that is being represented, but also about how it is represented. RISNotation (RISN) operationalises RIST by presenting a graphical modelling notation for RIST. To support end-users construction of models of interpretations an 'intelligent' web-based Editor, RISE, was produced. Models created with RISN/E can be used to understand users' knowledge of a representation and topic. Further, RISN/E can support the design of new representations for designers.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education
Impact Types Societal


Title A novel interaction for competence assessment using micro-behaviors: Extending CACHET to graphs and charts 
Description Data for paper published in: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23) These files contain: The data from the Graph Familiarity questionnaire used in our study (competence assessment using micro-behaviours_Demographic data and questionnaire) The interactions produced by our participants on each stimulus (competence assessment using micro-behaviours _interactions on all stimuli) All the pauses produced by our participants on each stimulus (competence assessment using micro-behaviours _Pauses) Paper abstract Competence Assessment by Chunk Hierarchy Evaluation with Transcription-tasks (CACHET) was proposed by Cheng [14]. It analyses micro-behaviors captured during cycles of stimulus view- ing and copying in order to probe chunk structures in memory. This study extends CACHET by applying it to the domain of graphs and charts. Since drawing strategies are diverse, a new interactive stimulus presentation method is introduced: Transcription with In- cremental Presentation of the Stimulus (TIPS). TIPS aims to reduce strategy variations that mask the chunking signal by giving users manual element-by-element control over the display of the stimulus. The potential of TIPS, is shown by the analysis of six participants transcriptions of stimuli of different levels of familiarity and com- plexity that reveal clear signals of chunking. To understand how the chunk size and individual differences drive TIPS measurements, a CPM-GOMS model was constructed to formalize the cognitive process involved in stimulus comprehension and chunk creation. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Paper published in: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23) 
Title Oruga 
Description Oruga 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Transformation of representations can be done automatically. 
Title RISE: Editor for Representational Interpretive Structure Notation (RISN) 
Description web app for building cognitive models 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2020 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Enables building cognitive models 
Title RST editor 
Description Editor for representation system theory 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2020 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact We can construct different representations in the language of Oruga. 
Description Talks and tutorials 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Keynote and invited talks:

Mateja presented her talk How Can We Make Trustworthy AI? at the following conferences:
* Invited talk at CADE-29: 29th International Conference on Automated Deduction (Rome, July 1 - 4, 2023).
* Keynote talk at ICCM 23: International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (Amsterdam, July 18 - 21, 2023).
* Keynote talk at CogSci 2023 (Sydney, July 26 - 29, 2023).
* Keynote talk at CICM 2023 (Cambridge, September 2023).
* Departmental seminar (Cambridge, October 2023).

Gem presented the keynote talk The Power of Diagrams: Observation, Inference and Overspecificity at Diagrams joint with VL/HCC (September 14, 2022 in Rome, Italy).

Mateja presented the invited talk Towards a Human-Like Reasoning System at the Machine Intelligence Workshop at HLC 2022.

Daniel presented the invited talk The Structure and Transformations of Representations at LEISYS 2021.

Mateja presented the invited talk How to (Re)Represent it? at KR 2020.


Peter presented the tutorial Graphical Modelling of Users' Interpretations of Visual Displays at VL/HCC 2023
Aaron presented the tutorial Representational Systems Theory: What, Why, and How at Diagrams 2022
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023