Active Sensor Structures for Extreme Environments

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Electrical, Electronic & Computer Eng


Gas sensors that can operate under extreme conditions are an essential underpinning technology in the battle against climate change, the future deployment of nuclear technology and a whole raft of scientific applications. This project will develop the technology required to realise these sensors and demonstrate their applicability in representative hostile environments. The deliverables will directly benefit UK society by allowing the cost-effective measurement of gas concentrations in locations which are inaccessible using current technology; such as nuclear installations, extra terrestrial planets, active volcanoes and exhaust gases in automotive or aerospace applications. By developing devices fabricated using silicon carbide technology, we intend to demonstrate gas sensing arrays, which will offer the ability to discriminate between the components of a mixture of gases and can operate under extreme conditions (for example in temperatures beyond 600C and high radiation flux). These sensor arrays will also be combined with monolithically fabricated amplifier structures to increase the signal to noise ratio and hence allow the detection of lower concentrations. Such technology will allow closed loop control for the first time of many industrial and utility technologies - increasing efficiency and safety.

Planned Impact

The benefits will be primarily aimed at three groups, the academic community, UK companies and the personnel directly involved in the project

The academic community will gain access to a novel sensing technology, which will open up new lines of scientific investigation, from the monitoring of volcanic eruptions to the search for life on other planets. There has been significant interest from the scientific community following our recent exposure in New Scientist and the national press.

UK companies spanning the supply chain for high performance specialised sensors will gain competitive advantage. The primary benefits will be demonstrating new sensor materials, integration with electronics and reduction of risk for development and manufacture of products using this technology. For example, Raytheon gain a better understanding of sensor process parameters and functional properties of active gas-sensing films. The knowledge gained will accelerate their progress in producing high quality films for many applications and they will be able to offer high value sensor materials to customers. BAE Systems see SiC based sensors on their roadmap and will showcase this new application. Both will benefit from the collaboration, especially characterisation and device data reassuring customers. BAE Systems will be positioned to exploit new market opportunities through the development of technologies encompassing these new devices. Important national customers such as the MOD are fully aware of the potential benefits of such technologies to facilitate new functionality and value for money in future developments of important military platforms, such as nuclear submarines.

The RA's and PG student benefit from working in a key technical area. They have the opportunity to develop excellent analytical, research and communications skills. Such people from our group have previously gone on to work as permanent academic staff, in industry, in finance and in government research labs. The project will offer other RA's and PG students an opportunity to benefit from working on closely related topics in the area of high temperature sensors and it is anticipated that this will boost the activity to the benefit of all.
Description To date, we have made the first gas sensing array from silicon carbide, which can discriminate between individual gas species in a mixture at 300C. The initial results have demonstrated that we can identify the concentration of hydrogen and oxygen to within 250ppm in mixtures up to 2500ppm of both. These results are being prepared for a journal manuscript at present. The project has also demonstrate high temperature amplifiers based on junction field effect transistor structures and these have been reported at HiTeN and IEEE Sensors conferences in 2015. These amplifiers are now being developed further to support nuclear decommissioning activities in Fukushima, through a directly funded industrial project and to support the development of summing amplifiers for instrumentation in gas turbines. The design is also supporting a new application to EPSRC for further funding in the development of high temperature radiation spectroscopy systems.
Exploitation Route The gas sensor work is being taken forward in conjunction with Littelfuse, who are sponsoring a PhD student to develop sensors to help support the latest Euro pollution legislation. The transistors developed are a critical part of a KTP application that has just been submitted in conjunction with IsoCom, a local specialist electronics company, as well as the work with Raytheon, Rolls Royce and Semelab that will hopefully lead to a commercial product. Further industrially supported projects include the development of amplifiers for nuclear decommissioning and a grant to EPSRC for radiation spectroscopy.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description The transistors used to create the amplifiers were transferred to a commercial foundry (Raytheon UK) to investigate the potential of large scale manufacture. This demonstrated challenges in the transfer to a commercial foundry. With the demise of Raytheon, further commercialisation is being undertaken by Rolls Royce to directly support their new generation high efficiency gas turbines, based on internal funding. The devices are currently being manufactured. The transistors manufactured during the EPSRC supported project (with some support from an EPSRC IAA grant) have been used to manufacture amplifier circuits and the industrial interest in these is significant, leading to further funding from BAE Systems and National Nuclear Labs to support new designs. These are being assisted by a novel compact model, developed by Neal Wood, an EPSRC sponsored student (in conjunction with BAE Systems) that enables the accurate description of amplifiers across a 400C temperature range. This is a key part of a grant application to EPSRC that is currently being finalised.
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Electronics
Description EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account
Amount £45,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2014 
End 07/2015
Description Knowledge Transfer Project
Amount £213,000 (GBP)
Funding ID KTP009312 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2014 
End 03/2017
Description Littelfuse CASE studentship
Amount £25,000 (GBP)
Organisation Littelfuse 
Sector Private
Country United States
Start 01/2016 
End 12/2019