The control of electrons through patterning of superstructures

Lead Research Organisation: Royal Holloway University of London
Department Name: Physics


As concern grows over the environment, energy generation and climate change, there will be an increasing demand for new materials with improved performance to make technological applications cleaner and more efficient. One way to go about optimizing a material's performance is to start with a simple 'parent' compound and vary its chemical composition in a continuous and systematic way, for example, by substituting one of its chemical constituents by another. This strategy, known as doping, has been extremely successful. For example, in 1988, J.G. Bednorz and K.A. Müller replaced about 15% of the La ions in the insulating ceramic La2CuO4 with Ba and found that the product became a superconductor (i.e. lost all its electrical resistance) at an unprecedented temperature of 35 K, significantly higher than the previous highest known superconducting temperature. This discovery was the starting point for the development of the high temperature copper oxide superconductors, which now have operating temperatures as high as 135 K and which are increasingly being used in applications where high magnetic fields or electric currents are required.

Although the consequences of doping can be spectacular (witness the copper oxide superconductors) they can also be complex, and the link to changes in physical properties is not always well understood. One effect that can play an important role is the formation of superstructures, in which either the dopant atoms or the charges they transfer to the host organise themselves into patterns which extend over long distances and are periodically modulated on a nanometre scale. Superstructures modify the electrostatic potential in the host material, which can in turn strongly influence the physical properties of the material. This raises an interesting possibility: If one can control the formation of superstructures then it should be possible to tune the properties of a material and thereby enhance its performance.

The aims of this project are twofold, first, to understand why superstructures occur in certain materials and, secondly, to study the consequences of superstructure formation for the physical properties of those materials. To provide a testing ground for these ideas we have identified several different materials in which superstructures appear to play a prominent role. These include sodium cobaltate (a very promising p-type thermoelectric material), lithium cobaltate (the main component of the type of rechargeable batteries used in mobile phones and laptops), and two recently-discovered iron-based high temperature superconductors. As well as being good models on which to conduct experiments, these systems are chosen because they offer good prospects to underpin technological solutions for environmental and societal issues through their potential to improve the efficiency of energy harvesting and storage devices.

We will prepare single crystal samples whose composition can be varied via different doping strategies. X-ray and neutron scattering will be employed to probe deep inside the crystals to reveal the presence of superstructures and to refine the associated structural and electronic patterns, and we will correlate the results with bulk measurements of the electrical, thermal and magnetic properties of the materials. With the help of theoretical modelling, our programme will lead to a clearer understanding of the degree to which superstructures can be used control physical behaviour, and will contribute towards the development of materials with improved performance for practical applications.

Planned Impact


Today's information-rich, mobile society has increasing demands for portable entertainment, computing and telecommunications equipment. Reversibility during battery cycles is a key factor, and it is affected by the formation of superstructures. Battery manufacturers would benefit from the better understanding of battery operation, and if this leads to portable batteries with better performance, the whole of society benefits from the improved operation of their iPods, laptops and mobile phones.

The Seebeck effect enables the conversion of waste heat into electrical power. This is useful when direct access to the grid is not possible. The largest market for this technology is the automotive industry, but the space industry may be important in the future. Energy scavenging will also be important in miniaturized electronic devices such as MEMS, micro-electrical systems and even "systems on a chip". All consumers will benefit from lower running costs and the consequences of the reduction in energy consumption on global warming.

In the Peltier effect electrical potential differences are converted into temperature differences, and this is exploited in solid state refrigerators. Thermoelectric coolers have a number of advantages, including long life, low maintenance, low waste and a means to cool devices on the nanoscale. The recent advent of massive data centres has shown that cooling energy costs are already comparable to, or even higher than, the cost of the computational equipment itself, primarily because the entire system is cooled down in bulk. Viable chip-scale refrigeration technology has now been demonstrated to cool "hot spots", drastically reducing energy consumption.

High-temperature superconductors are already employed widely in high-field magnets used extensively in scientific facilities, and in MRI scanners in hospitals. Other applications include low-loss power transmission cables, transformers, current-limiting devices, and microwave resonators and filters for telecommunications. Improved performance would benefit hospital patients, and the producers and users of this wide range of applications. Much more difficult to achieve, but weighted by an even greater benefit to society, would be the extension of the transition to room temperature.


The proposed single-crystal neutron scattering studies of lithium-ion batteries promises to offer new understanding of the formation of superstructures, and their effect on the battery life cycle.

The thermoelectric oxides under development here offer environmentally clean, competitive alternatives to current thermoelectrics, which often contain harmful or scarce elements.

The prospect of thermoelectric oxides exceeding current performance at elevated temperature is very promising for applications in the automotive industry.

A relatively modest enhancement of thermoelectric performance would create huge potential for cooling and energy harvesting in IT applications.

The potential benefit of work on a fundamental understanding of the iron-based superconductors is over a much larger time frame.


Dissemination to industry will be via our industrial partner JMTC, who are expert on industrial scale processing of materials and provide the link with industrial end users. The Research and Enterprise Office at RHUL and the ISIS Innovation Ltd at Oxford will draw up an Exploitation Plan and advise on Intellectual Property. It is anticipated that progress on developing new materials will enable future bids for the translation of this research into industrial applications. Wider engagement activities with industry will be organised by our dedicated Physics outreach officers.
Description The need for both high electrical conductivity and low thermal
conductivity creates a design conflict for thermoelectric systems, leading to the consideration of materials with complicated crystal structures. Rattling of ions in cages results in low thermal conductivity, but understanding the mechanism
through studies of the phonon dispersion using momentum-resolved spectroscopy is made difficult by the complexity of
the unit cells. We have performed inelastic X-ray and neutron
scattering experiments that are in remarkable agreement
with our first-principles density-functional calculations of the
phonon dispersion for thermoelectric sodium cobaltate, which has a large-period superstructure. We have directly observed an Einstein-like rattling mode at low energy, involving large anharmonic displacements of the sodium ions inside multi-vacancy clusters. These rattling modes suppress the thermal conductivity by a factor of six compared with the vacancy-free parent compound. Our results will guide the design of the next generation of materials for applications in solid-state refrigerators and power recovery.

High performance batteries based on the movement of lithium ions in lithium cobaltate have made possible a revolution in mobile electronic technology, from laptops to mobile phones. However, the scarcity of lithium and the demand for energy storage for renewables has led to intense interest in sodium-ion batteries, including structurally-related sodium cobaltate. We have determined the diffusion mechanism for sodium cobaltate using diffuse x-ray scattering, quasi-elastic neutron scattering and ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations, and we find that the sodium ordering provides diffusion pathways and governs the diffusion rate. Stripes of tri-vacancy clusters give quasi-one-dimensional superionic diffusion above T ~ 290 K with individual ion hops perpendicular to the stripes, and short-range ordering of multi-vacancy clusters leads to two-dimensional diffusion above T ~ 370 K. Our approach can be applied to any Na-ion battery components, enabling the design of better materials to store energy from intermittent sources, such as wind and solar power.

Single crystal neutron diffraction was combined with synchrotron x-ray scattering to identify the different superlattice phases present in caesium iron selenide. A combination of single crystal refinements and first principles modelling were used to provide structural solutions for the so-called 5v×5v and 2v×2v superlattice phases. The 5v×5v superlattice structure is predominantly composed of ordered Fe vacancies and Fe distortions, whereas the 2v×2v superlattice is composed of ordered Cs vacancies. The Cs vacancies only order within the plane, causing Bragg rods in reciprocal space. By mapping x-ray diffraction measurements with narrow spatial resolution over the surface of the sample, the structural domain pattern was determined, consistent with the notion of a majority antiferromagnetic 5v×5v phase and a superconducting 2v×2v phase.
The suppression of transverse phonons by liquidlike diffusion in superionic conductors has been
proposed as a means to dramatically reduce thermal conductivity in thermoelectric materials. We have measured the ion transport and lattice dynamics in the original
phonon-liquid electron-crystal Cu2Se using neutron spectroscopy. We show that hopping time scales are
too slow to significantly affect lattice vibrations and that the transverse phonons persist at all temperatures.
Substantial changes to the phonon spectrum occur well below the transition to the superionic phase, and the
ultralow thermal conductivity is instead attributed to anharmonicity.
Exploitation Route The understanding of how to lower the thermal conductivity of a thermoelectric material while maintaining good electronic performance will enable the design of better, cheaper and environmentally friendly thermoelectric materials for power recovery and solid-state refrigeration.

The development sodium-ion battery materials will be taken forward by academics and industrialists looking for alternatives to scarce and expensive lithium in order to meet the anticipated huge increase in demand for energy storage for portable electronics, electric vehicles and stationary storage for the renewable energy industry.

Researchers are attempting to understand how to increase superconducting transition temperatures, critical fields and currents, in order to make better electronic devices. A knowledge of the structure of the superconducting component, and how it is able to coexist with large magnetic moments underpins this activity.
Sectors Electronics



Description The results from this project have demonstrated the power of neutron scattering experiments coupled with first-principles density functional theory to understand thermal conductivity, which is a key, performance-limiting property of thermoelectric materials. As a result we have gone on to successfully apply these same techniques to understand the thermal conductivity of another class of thermoelectric material - doped nanocrystals - with our industrial partner Johnson Matthey. These materials are cheap, environmentally friendly and capable of production on an industrial scale. The neutron scattering experiments tell us in advance which materials are likely to be economically viable for thermoelectric power recovery applications. We have also succeeded in understanding the diffusion mechanism in a prototypical sodium-ion battery material. In addition to quantitative agreement between experiment and theory for the optimum diffusion rate for a given material composition, we also explain why the superstructures severely limit diffusion rates and, therefore, battery performance under realistic operating conditions. Sodium's natural abundance in the earth's crust is much higher than that of lithium, making sodium cheaper, more readily available and more environmentally sustainable. Sodium-ion batteries are a drop-in direct replacement for lithium-ion batteries, allowing current lithium-ion battery manufacturers to use existing equipment to construct batteries using these new materials. We have subsequently secured funding with a leading industrial partner in the UK to explore diffusion in sodium-ion battery materials with the intention of incorporating them in the battery-production process.
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Energy
Impact Types Economic

Description EPSRC iCASE
Amount £24,010 (GBP)
Organisation Johnson Matthey 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2015 
End 09/2018
Description ISIS
Amount £32,714 (GBP)
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Department ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2012 
End 09/2015
Description Johnson Matthey 
Organisation Johnson Matthey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Scientific expertise on phonon contribution to thermal conductivity of thermoelectrics
Collaborator Contribution Identification of industrially relevant materials
Impact This collaboration has led to a joint studentship
Start Year 2012