Non-equilibrium electron-ion dynamics in thin metal-oxide films

Lead Research Organisation: University of York
Department Name: Physics


Recent estimates suggest there are now over 3 billion mobile phones and 1 billion personal computers in use worldwide. The total energy consumption associated with such devices is growing and is predicted to triple by 2030, becoming equivalent to the current residential electricity consumption of the US and Japan combined (Gadgets and Gigawatts - Policies for Energy Efficient Electronics, 2009). Given the environmental costs associated with energy generation and storage, improving the energy efficiency of electronic devices is now an urgent priority.

The key to reducing the energy consumption of electronic devices is better control of the electric currents flowing within them. Crucially, this is often dependent on the properties and robustness of thin metal-oxide (MO) films. For example, insulating MO films are used to separate metallic and semiconducting electrodes in transistors. During operation, the voltage applied between the electrodes causes current to leak through the MO film, causing wasteful energy consumption. Over time, leakage current can grow and lead to a more terminal problem whereby the MO film abruptly becomes highly conducting, a process known as breakdown. These deleterious effects are becoming increasingly important as transistors are ever further miniaturised to meet consumer demand for increasingly powerful devices. On the other hand, the reversible switching of a MO film between insulating and conducting states by applying voltages has recently received interest as the basis for a non-volatile and low-power memory technology. For transistors, memristors and many other oxide-based electronic devices there is speculation that electron trapping by defects, polycrystallinity, electric fields and redox reactions at the electrode, all play important roles, however, there are few theoretical models which take these factors into account.

The main aims of this fellowship are to learn how structure and composition are related to the electrical properties of thin MO films sandwiched between conducting electrodes, and to understand the mechanisms responsible for the transformation of these properties by application of a voltage. This will provide a framework for understanding leakage current and resistive switching in MO films, and allow strategies to control these effects to be investigated. Materials modelling can play a crucial role in addressing these aims by elucidating processes taking place over a wide range of time- and length-scales, and identifying the critical material parameters. The usual modelling approach is first to determine the equilibrium structure, then to calculate the corresponding electronic properties and current. However, this does not allow for the possibility that the non-equilibrium flow of electrons can modify the structure of the material, e.g. by field driven ion diffusion and local heating. Considering such non-equilibrium effects is essential to be able to model breakdown and resistance switching, and is also important for other processes involving correlated electron-ion dynamics, such as radiation damage. Therefore, the development of a new integrated approach is proposed that can describe the feedback between electron and ion dynamics consistently, resulting in dynamically evolving non-equilibrium structure and properties. It will combine several levels of theoretical modelling to describe the polycrystalline film structure, including defects and interfaces, the associated electronic and thermodynamic properties, and the coupled non-equilibrium dynamics of both electrons and ions. Through close collaboration with project partners, models will be tested and refined. Ultimately, this will feed into the electronics industry, leading to the design of more efficient and more reliable devices. In the later stages of the project the methodologies developed will be extended to address related materials challenges for applications including solid oxide fuel cells and batteries.

Planned Impact

One of the main aims of the proposed research is to work with academia and industry in order to learn how to reduce the energy demands of electronic devices. This aim is in strong alignment with UK and international environmental policies. Achieving this aim will ultimately benefit consumers by making electronic devices which cost less to run and are more reliable. Engagement with the general public throughout the project on how scientific research contributes to addressing these problems will also contribute to increased public awareness and understanding of science.

The microelectronics industry will benefit from the proposed research as they can exploit the results to help design new and improved products. Many of the companies who will benefit in this way have a strong presence in the UK, including industry leaders, such as ARM, Intel and IBM, and therefore this will enhance the UK economy. The Department of Physics has existing strong links with Intel, providing opportunities for dissemination and exploitation of results (for example, by partnering with SMEs based in the UK). The relevance of the proposed research to industry is demonstrated by the involvement of SEMATECH as a project partner. Academia will benefit directly from SEMATECH's involvement as they will co-sponsor a PhD studentship at the University of York.

Aside from academic impact in the research area of the proposed project, the wider scientific community will benefit from the development of new methodologies and the fundamental understanding of non-equilibrium processes in metal oxide materials (see Academic Beneficiaries and Case for Support). This will encompass such diverse fields as; (photo-) catalysis, earth science, electrochemistry, bio-engineering, superconductivity, photonics, environmental science and bio-chemistry.

Many technological industries in the UK rely on a constant supply of suitably trained graduate and postgraduate students. The employment and training of two PhD students and a PDRA on this project contributes to meeting this demand. However, if they choose to move into non-technology based employment sectors, businesses can benefit from the advanced analytical and research skills they will posses. Overall, this contributes to the UK's economic and scientific competitiveness.


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Blumberger J (2013) Constrained density functional theory applied to electron tunnelling between defects in MgO. in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

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Carey J (2018) Does Polaronic Self-Trapping Occur at Anatase TiO 2 Surfaces? in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

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Carey JJ (2019) Screening Doping Strategies To Mitigate Electron Trapping at Anatase TiO2 Surfaces. in The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces

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Elmaslmane AR (2018) First-Principles Modeling of Polaron Formation in TiO2 Polymorphs. in Journal of chemical theory and computation

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Fontaiña-Troitiño N (2018) Antiphase boundaries in truncated octahedron-shaped Zn-doped magnetite nanocrystals in Journal of Materials Chemistry C

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Gilks D (2014) A STEM study of twin defects in Fe 3 O 4 (111)/YZO(111) in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Gilks D (2015) Atomic study of Fe3O4/SrTiO3 Interface in Microscopy and Microanalysis

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Hung S (2018) First-Principles Investigation of Titanium Nanoparticle Oxidation in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

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Hung SH (2019) First-Principles Investigation of the Structure and Properties of Au Nanoparticles Supported on ZnO. in The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces

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McKenna K (2014) Optimal stoichiometry for nucleation and growth of conductive filaments in HfO x in Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering

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McKenna K (2015) First principles modeling of electron tunneling between defects in m-HfO2 in Microelectronic Engineering

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McKenna KP (2013) Electronic and chemical properties of a surface-terminated screw dislocation in MgO. in Journal of the American Chemical Society

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Mendis B (2018) Crystal structure and anti-site boundary defect characterisation of Cu 2 ZnSnSe 4 in Journal of Materials Chemistry A

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Padilha A (2019) First principles investigation of Y2O3-doped HfO2 in Journal of Applied Physics

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Tong CJ (2019) Passivating Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline CdTe. in The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces

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Wallace S (2015) Facet-Dependent Electron Trapping in TiO 2 Nanocrystals in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Description This Fellowship aimed to understand the structure and electrical properties of polycrystalline oxide films, and their transformation by electrical voltages, in order to help improve the energy efficiency and reliability of resistive switching memories (ReRAM) and related oxide-based electronic devices (e.g. MRAM). Over this period KM has published 28 papers (including many in high-impact journals such as Nature Communications, JACS and Nano Letters), acquired > 2000 additional citations and given >25 invited talks demonstrating the sustained impact he is delivering. A brief summary of progress towards the project objectives (RU1-4 in the original proposal) follows:

Interface, extended and point defects (RU1/RU2 - 18 publications): The structure and electronic properties of Cu/TiO2, TiN/HfO2, Pt/HfO2, CoFeB/MgO and SrTiO3/ Fe3O4 interfaces have been characterised at the atomic level with models validated against experimental data. In each of these oxides the properties of extended defects such as grain boundaries (GBs) and dislocations as well as segregation of point defects has also been investigated. Highlights include the discovery that highly stable antiphase boundary defects in Fe3O4 reduce performance in spintronic devices, that TiN and Pt electrodes act as oxygen diffusion barriers in ReRAM, and that control over oxide stoichiometry is the key to ensuring high performance in MgO-based MRAM devices. The structure of GBs near oxide/electrodes interfaces (MgO/CoFe and HfO2/TiN) has also been recently modelled for the first time, providing atomistic insight into forming in ReRAM devices.

Electron-ion transfer processes (RU3 - 6 publications): New first principles approaches for predicting the rates of defect assisted electron transfer have been developed in collaboration with Jochen Blumberger (UCL) and applied to point defects in MgO and HfO2. Methods for simulating the diffusion of polarons in oxides have also been developed, including their interaction with point defects and GBs. In TiO2 it was demonstrated that GBs significantly reduce electron mobility with relevance to both ReRAM and photovoltaic applications. We have also demonstrated how defects in oxides can be generated dynamically in the presence of non- equilibrium electric fields and charge trapping. These methodological advances mean the key parameters needed to model resistive switching can now be computed directly from first principles.

Transformation of electrical properties (RU4 - 4 publications): Combining the theoretical predictions described above with experimental material and device characterisation it has been possible to provide atomic level insight into resistive switching mechanisms. For example, the role of GBs as preferential locations for enhanced leakage and breakdown has been demonstrated. The stoichiometry of HfOx has been identified as key materials property governing the formation of metallic filaments during forming, with x=1.50-1.75 identified as optimal. To date KM has published 15 papers on atomistic modelling of materials with relevance to ReRAM which have been highly cited (>800 citations) demonstrating the impact they are having in the field. Building on the achievements in RU1-3 KM is now developing methods to model the entire resistive switching process in TiO2 and HfO2 from first principles. This will allow strategies to improve the reversibly and reliability of resistance switching to be investigated. Two further publications are in advanced draft stage and due to be submitted in the next few months.

We are fully on course to meet our original objectives and a number of new research directions have also developed which will lead to important discoveries.
Exploitation Route The findings are already being used in academia, as demonstrated by citations. We are aware of a number of cases where our methods and ideas are being applied by other groups. Some of the findings (in particular in relation to resistive switching) are being taken on board by industry in the development of devices.
Sectors Chemicals

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description This fellowship aimed to understand the structure and electrical properties of polycrystalline oxide films, and their transformation by electrical voltages, in order to help improve the energy efficiency and reliability of resistive switching memories (ReRAM) and related oxide-based electronic devices (e.g. MRAM). Over the duration of the fellowship 46 papers were published (including many in high-impact journals such as Nature Communications, JACS and Nano Letters). Highlights include: Interface, extended and point defects: The structure and electronic properties of Cu/TiO2 TiN/HfO2 Pt/HfO2 CoFeB/MgO and SrTiO3/ Fe3O4 interfaces have been characterised at the atomic level with models validated against experimental data. In each of these oxides the properties of extended defects such as grain boundaries (GBs) and dislocations as well as segregation of point defects has also been investigated. Highlights include the discovery that highly stable antiphase boundary defects in Fe3O4 reduce performance in spintronic devices, that TiN and Pt electrodes act as oxygen diffusion barriers in ReRAM, and that control over oxide stoichiometry is the key to ensuring high performance in MgO-based MRAM devices. The structure of GBs near oxide/electrodes interfaces (MgO/CoFe and HfO2/TiN) has also been recently modelled for the first time, providing atomistic insight into forming in ReRAM devices. Electron-ion transfer processes: New first principles approaches for predicting the rates of defect assisted electron transfer have been developed and applied to point defects in MgO and HfO2. Methods for simulating the diffusion of polarons in oxides have also been developed, including their interaction with point defects and GBs. In TiO2 it was demonstrated that GBs significantly reduce electron mobility with relevance to both ReRAM and photovoltaic applications. We have also demonstrated how defects in oxides can be generated dynamically in the presence of non-equilibrium electric fields and charge trapping. These methodological advances mean the key parameters needed to model resistive switching can now be computed directly from first principles. Transformation of electrical properties: Combining the theoretical predictions described above with experimental material and device characterisation it has been possible to provide atomic level insight into resistive switching mechanisms. For example, the role of GBs as preferential locations for enhanced leakage and breakdown has been demonstrated. The stoichiometry of HfOx has been identified as key materials property governing the formation of metallic filaments during forming, with x=1.50-1.75 identified as optimal. To date KM has published 15 papers on atomistic modelling of materials with relevance to ReRAM which have been highly cited (>1000 citations) demonstrating the impact they are having in the field. Non-academic impacts include: Economy: Underpinning research into resistive switching in oxides and the role of polycrystallinity has been taken up by industry in their efforts to develop ReRAM as a low power, efficient, non-volatile and high capacity data storage technology. The project partner SEMATECH and many other citing groups worldwide are using our findings in order to model resistive switching device characteristics and improve their performance. Since this research is low TRL it is difficult to connect it directly to a specific product but it is notable manufacturers now have ReRAM devices in production, including Fujitsu and Intel have a related product called 3D XPoint. Society: The development of energy efficient memory technologies is important to mitigate climate change so the above developments are of wider benefit to society. Knowledge: An impact arising after the conclusion of the fellowship was a collaboration with the University of Darmstadt (groups of L. Molina-Luna and L. Alff) applying first principles modelling and electron microscopy to connect atomistic structure of polycrystalline HfO2 films to their resistive switching properties for memory applications. This had led to two high-impact publications to date [Advanced Electronic Materials 1900484 (2019); Advanced Science 9, 2201806 (2022)] and the novel insights are helping the development of higher performance resistive switching films for applications. The methodological advances described above have had wider impact beyond ReRAM and memory technology. In particular the role of grain boundary defects in charge mobility is important for battery, photovoltaic and photocatalytic technologies. The latter two were the focus of two subsequent EPSRC funded projects: an extension to this fellowship on photovoltaic solar absorbers and a responsive mode proposal on improving charge mobility in TiO2. People: Two postdoctoral researcher assistants, a PhD student and a MPhys project student benefited from either direct employment as part of this Fellowship or from the research environment it created at York. They have since moved into skilled positions in the wider economy. The Fellowship of course had a significant impact on the Fellowship holder allowing him to establish and grow his research group and transition into a research leader.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
Impact Types Economic

Description Retreat on EPSRC future support for early career researchers
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description COST Action CM1104 - Short term scientific mission
Amount € 1,220 (EUR)
Organisation European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) 
Department COST Action
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 03/2015 
End 04/2015
Description EPSRC Early Career Fellowship extension
Amount £588,608 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P023843/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 12/2020
Description EPSRC responsive mode
Amount £798,645 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P006051/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2017 
End 12/2019
Description EPSRC responsive mode
Amount £1,191,641 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/K03278X/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 09/2017
Description Undergraduate summer student bursary
Amount £1,440 (GBP)
Organisation Institute of Physics (IOP) 
Sector Learned Society
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2013 
End 08/2013
Description Membership of COST action CM1104: Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions 
Organisation European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Country Belgium 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Attending working group meeting of COST action CM1104: Reducible oxide chemistry, structure and functions. Presenting results and participating in discussions on key challenges in the field.
Collaborator Contribution Presenting results and participating in discussions on key challenges in the field. Critical discussion and input into my research programme.
Impact Results on Grain Boundary Controlled Electron Mobility in Polycrystalline Titanium Dioxide presented at COST meetings and discussed. Led to publication "Grain Boundary Controlled Electron Mobility in Polycrystalline Titanium Dioxide", S. Wallace and K. P. McKenna, Advanced Materials Interfaces 1, 1400078 (2014).
Start Year 2013
Description Centre for Energy Efficient Materials 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Led the establishment of the York Centre for Energy Efficient Materials ( which is focussed on industrial engagement and is holding a launch event on March 28 which is being attended by representatives from business, EPSRC and innovate UK.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017