Integrated superconducting nanobridge fast readout electronics for single photon detector arrays

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: London Centre for Nanotechnology


The project will develop a compact, cryogenic readout for superconducting single photon detector SSPD arrays and assess
their suitability for commercialisation. The readout will be based on a superconducting single flux quantum (SFQ) circuit
where an input signal is converted into a series of quantised pulses that can be used for digital signal processing. The
building block of the SFQ circuits will be loops containing superconducting nanobridges that act as weak links displaying
the Josephson effect.
SSPD arrays have many applications; as a fast, high efficiency, low noise detector for quantum key distribution, as a
component in quantum computing and for enhanced quantum imaging. The major hurdle to commercialisation of SSPD
array systems is the lack of suitable readout electronics able to process a large number of signals without significant heat
loading of the detector cold stage. SFQ readout offers a low power solution, enabling multiple pixels in a marketable,
mechanically cooled system. Nanobridge SFQ circuits for SSPD array readout are a new, undemonstrated alternative to
conventional tunnel junction SFQ circuits, with the advantage of predominantly single layer fabrication, smaller device size
and potential for integration on the same chip as the SSPD array.
The research that will be carried out University College London will involve the actual fabrication of the nanobridge SFQ
circuits. The nanobridge circuits will be fabricated using e-beam lithography and lift-off of superconducting thin films
deposited in a cleanroom facilty. Initial work will be be needed to determine the electrical parameters of nanobridges of
various dimensions so that a full circuit model can be developed and tested. A complete SFQ device design can then be
fabricated and tested and assessed by the project partners at NPL. In order to couple the fast pulse from an SSPD to the
SFQ an input coil circuit will be needed to amplify the current. We will design and fabricate suitable multiturn input coils with
appropriate terminating resistors. These will be tested by the project partners at NPL. We will then fabricate fully integrated
devices (input coil and SFQ devices) which will be tested and evaluated at NPL, initially with external electrical input
pulses, but eventually with real SSPD signals from devices supplied by project partners at Glasgow University.

Planned Impact

The work will benefit:
1) Academic researchers in many UK universities and elsewhere working in the fields of Quantum Communications and
Information, as well as those developing applications in Quantum Imaging.
2) Commerical organisations developing Quantum Communication applications including Toshiba and BT in the UK.
3) Government and commerical organisations interested in developing securer quantum based communications.
4) Academic and industrial researchers interested in nanoscale fabrication of superconducting circuits and other high
speed applications of superconducting circuits for e.g. digital signal processing.
5) Companies who supply equipment needed to fabricate, operate and support future quantum devices - lithopgraphy,
optical components and cryogenic suppliers.
6) In the longer term the public through potentially securer (financial or personal) communications, and more sensitive
medical imaging technology amongst other applications.


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Blois A (2017) Heat propagation models for superconducting nanobridges at millikelvin temperatures in Superconductor Science and Technology

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Godfrey T (2020) Microwave Inductive Readout of EBL Nanobridge SQUIDs in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

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Li T (2018) Ballistic Josephson junctions based on CVD graphene in Superconductor Science and Technology

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Li T (2019) Scalable, Tunable Josephson Junctions and DC SQUIDs Based on CVD Graphene in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

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Meti L (2023) Development of Flux-Tuneable Inductive Nanobridge SQUIDs for Quantum Technology Applications in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

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Shelly C (2017) Weak link nanobridges as single flux quantum elements in Superconductor Science and Technology

Description In this feasibility study we have:
1) established single layer, non-hysteretic Josephson junction nanobridge fabrication process at the leading edge of available fabrication technology
2) modelled SFQ/SNSPD interface and SFQ circuits (conference poster)
3) set up a test facility for wide range of fast characterisation measurements
4) demonstrated ac Josephson effect, Shapiro steps and suitability for SFQ circuitry of nanobridges
Exploitation Route Our first year feasibility project has provided an initial proof of concept for nanobridge readout electronics for SNSPD arrays. The consortium (UCL, NPL and Glasgow University) will investigate a direct routes to commercialisation. The consortium is also engaging with academic and industrial end-users through the National Network of Quantum Technologies Hubs.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Security and Diplomacy

Description Accelerating the Commerical Exploitation of Quantum Technologies
Amount £166,704 (GBP)
Funding ID 70699-492138 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2016 
End 07/2017
Description Quantum Sensing for the Hidden Sector (QSHS)
Amount £412,764 (GBP)
Funding ID ST/T006099/1 
Organisation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
End 05/2025